From the Wednesday, July 25th edition of the Randi Rhodes Show
When someone apologizes for a “bad joke” and understands their mistake by making the following comment…
” This is my second attempt at posting a reply because I feel awful about your PERCEPTION of who I am. Can YOU imagine that? Being misunderstood? I am honesty sorry if my attempt at humor failed.” – Randi Rhodes”
Would they continue to air this?
I think not.
As of the 08-10-2007 broadcast on Air America, Randi Rhodes has resumed her transphobic attacks directed against Ann Coulter, a non-transgender woman. The specific attack was the use of the trailer regarding Ann Coulter’s prominent thyroid, and the tag line “it’s a man, baby!”
It is now clear Rhodes’ apology was anything but, and that she could care less how her comments effect transgender persons. She also does not care how this effects Air America, since she is actually employed by Clear Channel. It is time to get the GLBT organizations involved, and to take Rhodes’ sponsors to task for supporting such clearly bigoted views.
As of the 08-10-2007 broadcast on Air America, Randi Rhodes has resumed her transphobic attacks directed against Ann Coulter, a non-transgender woman. The specific attack was the use of the trailer regarding Ann Coulter’s prominent thyroid, and the tag line “it’s a man, baby!”
It is now clear Rhodes’ apology was anything but, and that she could care less how her comments effect transgender persons. She also does not care how this effects Air America, since she is actually employed by Clear Channel. It is time to get the GLBT organizations involved, and to take Rhodes’ sponsors to task for supporting such clearly bigoted views.
[…] Yet again though, Randi Rhodes recently used her show to mock Ann Coulter for having an Adam’s Apple — this time in a show promo. Rhodes’ use of the Austin Powers’ audio clip of “That’s a MAN, baby!” tells me that she still thinks transwomen are really just whack-a-doodle men. […]
She won’t care. She’s playing a progressive instead of acting like one. She’s nothing more than a poor man’s version of Rush Limbaugh.
Randi’s behavior is horribly hypocritical. If she is going to persist in assigning Ann Coulter as “mannish” then strongly slurring both her and transwomen by mutual association, she should be reminded that her own behavior is stereotypically mannish. In fact, it’s not dissimilar to Ann Coulter’s behavior.
Randi would do well to remember that neither hypocrisy nor stereotyping are intrinsic (or exclusive) to either gender. Yet, they are very detrimental to all!
To me, it’s worse. She’s claimed to apologize, but then still does this shit. It’s pathetic for anyone that calls themselves a progressive.
Disgusting and offensive. 🙁
Disgusting and offensive. 🙁
If I were feeling nasty, I could say that Randi’s refusal to back down is, um, a bit patriarchal?
If I were feeling nasty, I could say that Randi’s refusal to back down is, um, a bit patriarchal?