
January 30, 2008 ·

I want to welcome new Transadvocate contributors Monica Helms of Trans Universe and Mercedes Allen of Dented Blue Mercedes!

Please take a minute to show them some TA love.

In category:Opinion
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Gender Fundamentalists

Many of us in the LGBT community are painfully aware of the religious fundamentalists who have such a wonderful time coming up with lies and fear tactics to throw out to the uneducated masses. They know full well that a…
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Communities of Ones

Like some others in the discussion, I do feel a need to say a few final words on the Old Guard (HBS) versus deconstructionist battle in the transgender community, and then move on. I am undecided about any further participation…
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Extremist Christians For Dishonesty, Hate, and Misinformation

That should be the title of Peter LaBarbera's Americans for Truth (AFT) website. His latest post attacks sports reporter Christine Penner. "I challenge 'Mike/Christine' to do a column describing, in detail, 'sex-reassignment surgery' – whereby a penis is turned into…
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TransFM's Sodium Pentathol Sunday

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True, All-Person Experience

My Brownie uniform “True, all-girl experience,” those were the words of the teen named Taylor who is part of a group trying to get people to boycott Girl Scout cookies because the Girl Scouts allowed a transgender child to belong…
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Transition causes strokes! Or you know, not.

The newest claim making the sex essentialist activist rounds is that transition will probably cause you to have a stroke or heart attack. TERFs and other sex essentialist activists, from the political right to the skeptic-bro left, point to a…