A press release from transsexualities.com:
Transwoman removed from female washroom by security and subjected to transphobic slurs for using “wrong bathroom”
KELOWNA, BC – On Sunday, October 26th, at approximately 2AM, a transwoman was dragged out of the women’s washroom at LeVeL Nightclub.
A LeVeL employee who identified herself as Carly Wilson, initially directed the victim, a regular patron, to the male washroom after Wilson was asked where the female washroom was located. The victim pushed the door slightly open and after realizing it was the wrong one, went to the women’s room instead, entering a stall immediately.
Soon after, several LeVeL employees entered the women’s bathroom and placed a “small black box” which is believed be a video camera under the stall door. At this time the victim was already in a state of partial undress. Wilson falsely accused the victim of “doing blow” and then placed her hand on the victim, removing her from the washroom. No drugs were ever found on the victim.
The victim attempted to diffuse the situation by requesting to speak with the doorman of the club, however this request was refused. Even after showing Wilson her identification, the victim was subjected to transphobic slurs at the night club by Wilson, including “you’re a man in a dress, men in dresses aren’t allowed in the women’s washroom”
Wilson then stated that the victim was “welcome at the club, but it would be better if [she] didn’t use the washroom.” The victim was a regular at the club, and had used the washrooms there many times before without incident.
The Kelowna detachment of the RCMP were notified by the victim approximately 30 minutes after the incident and RCMP officers spoke with the owner that evening.
Constable Brendan Harkness, Outreach Liaison for the Kelowna Detachment of the RCMP told the victim that he would speak to Wilson about incident, adding that Wilson may not have realized that this was a discrimination issue.
Forcing a transgender woman to use a male washroom puts her at severe risk of attack from male patrons.”It’s safer to argue with the police about your right to be there than to argue with somebody who’s about to beat you up,” says Marie Little, Chair of the Vancouver-based Trans Alliance Society.
Names are being withheld to protect the privacy and safety of the victim.
Just sent my email.
Fire Carly Wilson;
Carly is not a doctor she has no right to decide who uses which restroom. Using the story about her transphobia as an example, she would have thrown out my six foot two inch butch self out of the ladies room as well. There is no room in decent society for hate.
Fire Her,
Julian Domain
Just sent my email.
Fire Carly Wilson;
Carly is not a doctor she has no right to decide who uses which restroom. Using the story about her transphobia as an example, she would have thrown out my six foot two inch butch self out of the ladies room as well. There is no room in decent society for hate.
Fire Her,
Julian Domain
Just want to clarify, the press release was from the Trans Alliance Society, originally, I simply forwarded it on to you. Thanks for the free publicity, though! The site’s back up, too.
The sex and sexuality resource for trans people and our partners
Just want to clarify, the press release was from the Trans Alliance Society, originally, I simply forwarded it on to you. Thanks for the free publicity, though! The site’s back up, too.
The sex and sexuality resource for trans people and our partners
I was disgusted and unsurprised that this happened in my hometown.
The club’s website is http://www.levelclub.ca/ and their email is info@levelclub.ca and phone number is 250 861 5851.
They have a facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelowna-BC/LeVeL-Nite-Club/90792278470?ref=
Their twitter is http://twitter.com/LeVeLNiteClub
Let’s make some noise!
I haven’t seen any media coverage in Kelowna about this (online) and hope that there will be some press…
I tried to go to the transexualities website to give them Kelowna media contact info but the page doesn’t work (??) If anyone knows the people involved with the press release, please pass on the local media contacts (for Kelowna):
Kelowna Daily Courier: http://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/
Contact info: http://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/contact_us.php
Kelowna Capital News:
Contact: http://www.bclocalnews.com/contact_us/?curSection=%2Fokanagan_similkameen%2Fkelownacapitalnews&returnPath=%2Fokanagan_similkameen%2Fkelownacapitalnews%2Fopinion%2F&c=y
I was disgusted and unsurprised that this happened in my hometown.
The club’s website is http://www.levelclub.ca/ and their email is info@levelclub.ca and phone number is 250 861 5851.
They have a facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelowna-BC/LeVeL-Nite-Club/90792278470?ref=
Their twitter is http://twitter.com/LeVeLNiteClub
Let’s make some noise!
I haven’t seen any media coverage in Kelowna about this (online) and hope that there will be some press…
I tried to go to the transexualities website to give them Kelowna media contact info but the page doesn’t work (??) If anyone knows the people involved with the press release, please pass on the local media contacts (for Kelowna):
Kelowna Daily Courier: http://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/
Contact info: http://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/contact_us.php
Kelowna Capital News:
Contact: http://www.bclocalnews.com/contact_us/?curSection=%2Fokanagan_similkameen%2Fkelownacapitalnews&returnPath=%2Fokanagan_similkameen%2Fkelownacapitalnews%2Fopinion%2F&c=y