The Man Who Would Be Jester

April 13, 2007 ·

First he said:

* “Homosexual transsexuals tend to have a short time horizon, with certain pleasure in the present worth great risks for the future.”jester.jpg

* “Prostitution is the single most common occupation that homosexual transsexuals in our study admitted to.”

* “The more resourceful and attractive transsexual prostitutes are call girls.”

* “Nearly all the homosexual transsexuals I know work as escorts after they have their surgery.”

* “As for shoplifting, homosexual transsexuals are not especially well suited as much as especially motivated. For many, their taste in clothing is much more expensive than their income allows.”

* “Do they get married? … homosexual transsexuals are not very successful at finding desirable men willing to commit to them.”

* “When I began writing this book, I had never known a homosexual transsexual who married.”

* “They wanted to get their surgery (if they had not had it yet) and meet a nice, attractive, and financially stable heterosexual man who would marry them and take care of them … When I was conducting my study of homosexual transsexuals, I routinely asked them if they knew anyone who had realized this dream. No one did.”

* “Many of the transsexuals we interviewed in the course of this study were more attractive than the average genetic female.”

* “Gay transsexuals are boy crazy.”

* “When I have discussed the theory that homosexual transsexuals are a type of gay man, I have met resistance. I was surprised at this, for the idea is neither new nor, it seemed to me, controversial.”

excerpts from “The Man Who Would Be Queen; The science of gender-bending and transsexualism”

But erasing transwomen isn’t enough! Next stop, bisexualville, … all aboard!!!

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″/]

* Although there are clearly men who call themselves “bisexual” and who have sex with both men and women, both scientists and laypeople have long been skeptical that men with bisexual arousal patterns exist. Kurt Freund, who invented penile plethysmography, related that he was never able to find a subset of men who appeared to be bisexual in the lab. Although their data are less scientific, gay men share Freund’s skepticism. They have a saying: “You’re either gay, straight, or lying.” In contrast, many women are bisexual, at least in their sexual arousal patterns.

O.K., So what’s the latest from our favorite quack/scientist/jester, J. Michael Bailey?

“Whether women describe themselves as straight or lesbian, “Their sexual
arousal seems to be relatively indiscriminate – they get aroused by both male and female images,” Dr. Bailey said. “I’m not even sure females have a sexual orientation. But they have sexual preferences. Women are very picky, and most choose to have sex with men.” -J. Michael Bailey
Pas de Deux of Sexuality Is Written in the Genes

How can anyone take this man seriously anymore?

I guess you “lesbians” out there just need a good piece of manhood, and you’ll go straight.

Sorry, I can’t help ya though, I gotta go sex myself up, turn a few tricks, then settle down with a nice man.

Um, ya.
– h/t Scientific American

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  1. hmm I’d really like to know how hermaphrodites and pseudo hermaphrodites fit into THAT theory. What about those of us who technically don’t fit either gender?

  2. hmm I’d really like to know how hermaphrodites and pseudo hermaphrodites fit into THAT theory. What about those of us who technically don’t fit either gender?

  3. like little light, i don’t fit very well into bailey’s “theories”, being a “late” transitioner who likes men pretty much exclusively. i’ve never done sex work or escorting, either before or after my bottom surgery. and not to brag or anything, but i’ve had a few offers for marriage by men, and am now happily married to a wonderful, supportive man. i like to think of myself as living proof that this guy doesn’t have a clue.

  4. like little light, i don’t fit very well into bailey’s “theories”, being a “late” transitioner who likes men pretty much exclusively. i’ve never done sex work or escorting, either before or after my bottom surgery. and not to brag or anything, but i’ve had a few offers for marriage by men, and am now happily married to a wonderful, supportive man. i like to think of myself as living proof that this guy doesn’t have a clue.

  5. Hey, isn’t it great writing entirely in stereotypes? Think how much it cuts down on research time!
    Well, I’m a bisexual woman so I suppose I should be grateful that at least I’m allowed to exist. My bi ex-boyfriend might want to have a few words with him, though.
    This person is a professor? Oh dear.

  6. Hey, isn’t it great writing entirely in stereotypes? Think how much it cuts down on research time!
    Well, I’m a bisexual woman so I suppose I should be grateful that at least I’m allowed to exist. My bi ex-boyfriend might want to have a few words with him, though.
    This person is a professor? Oh dear.

  7. Wow, this guy really never does stop pissing me off.

    I was at Seattle’s GLBT center the other day, and in their entire library on queer issues–we’re talking floor-to-ceiling bookshelves in an entire corner of a room–they had maybe six books on their meager shelf for trans issues. One of them was “The Man Who Would Be Queen.”

    I really stopped feeling right there like it was a place I was welcome. I just can’t believe anyone takes him seriously. Then, though, I don’t exist to him, as a young transitioner who actually, y’know, likes women. I thought I was supposed to be boy crazy! Or do I not get to have an orientation? Or should I wait a few decades so I can pass muster for ‘autogynephilia’ or whatever nonsense he’s crowing now?

    Never mind that his ‘research’ ‘ethics’ should have horrified any human-subjects board of ethics at a decent university. God knows how he still has credentials.

    …okay, I’m gonna go let my blood pressure drop a bit, now.

  8. Wow, this guy really never does stop pissing me off.

    I was at Seattle’s GLBT center the other day, and in their entire library on queer issues–we’re talking floor-to-ceiling bookshelves in an entire corner of a room–they had maybe six books on their meager shelf for trans issues. One of them was “The Man Who Would Be Queen.”

    I really stopped feeling right there like it was a place I was welcome. I just can’t believe anyone takes him seriously. Then, though, I don’t exist to him, as a young transitioner who actually, y’know, likes women. I thought I was supposed to be boy crazy! Or do I not get to have an orientation? Or should I wait a few decades so I can pass muster for ‘autogynephilia’ or whatever nonsense he’s crowing now?

    Never mind that his ‘research’ ‘ethics’ should have horrified any human-subjects board of ethics at a decent university. God knows how he still has credentials.

    …okay, I’m gonna go let my blood pressure drop a bit, now.

  9. Wow, what convenient theories for our happy little researcher.

    Men either like either A or B, but never A and B. (And lets just forget the fact that there’s a whole lot of folks who don’t fit into either A or B.) So, no straight guy ever has to worry that something might be up when he’s hanging out with his buds and he feels sort of extra “close” to them.

    “Nope. No sireee! I couldn’t possibly be attracted to other men. I like women, so that’s proof enough. Male bisexuality is myth. Hey fellas, are you up for watching a football game? It’s so much fun watching all those guys roll around in the mud while wearing tight pants, and I get share this with other men! Wa-hoo! Pass me a beer, would ya?”

    “Oh, and there’s no such thing as a woman who wouldn’t consider bedding down with a guy. You think you’re a lesbian, huh? Well, I know for a scientific fact that you can change your mind. Are you free Saturday night?”

    Jeezus Fecking Pete. Bailey should stick to phrenology.

  10. Wow, what convenient theories for our happy little researcher.

    Men either like either A or B, but never A and B. (And lets just forget the fact that there’s a whole lot of folks who don’t fit into either A or B.) So, no straight guy ever has to worry that something might be up when he’s hanging out with his buds and he feels sort of extra “close” to them.

    “Nope. No sireee! I couldn’t possibly be attracted to other men. I like women, so that’s proof enough. Male bisexuality is myth. Hey fellas, are you up for watching a football game? It’s so much fun watching all those guys roll around in the mud while wearing tight pants, and I get share this with other men! Wa-hoo! Pass me a beer, would ya?”

    “Oh, and there’s no such thing as a woman who wouldn’t consider bedding down with a guy. You think you’re a lesbian, huh? Well, I know for a scientific fact that you can change your mind. Are you free Saturday night?”

    Jeezus Fecking Pete. Bailey should stick to phrenology.

  11. I really have to laugh at the whole basis of The Man Who Would Be Queen. Wasn’t his “study” based on a sample size of two in a clinical setting? In fact, wasn’t it just case studies of two people who had elected to come to him for help?

  12. I really have to laugh at the whole basis of The Man Who Would Be Queen. Wasn’t his “study” based on a sample size of two in a clinical setting? In fact, wasn’t it just case studies of two people who had elected to come to him for help?