Targeted Families, Targeted Lives

February 13, 2008 ·

I really can’t believe all the ridiculously negative things I’ve been hearing about the 2nd grade student that is transitioning at school. Here are a few examples:

Public schools have been involved in a sick propaganda campaign that encourages and collaborates with the advancement of mental illness in children. – Stop The

It is a basic fact of biology, sex is immutable. If you are born a male, you will die a male. There is absolutely nothing any mortal can do about that. Yet for some strange reason, we seem to think that are sex is like a pair of socks, which can be changed on a whim.

Putting a dress on a boy, having him the girl’s room and calling him a female name, can not and will not make this John Doe into Jane Doe. It has can’t be done and it has never been done. School systems should be in the businss of teaching life and not pandering to delusions. Putting a dress on a young man and calling him by a girl’s name will not make him into a female. It will only make him into a boy with a dress.We are what we are, and we can not change what we are by wearing or not wearing a dress. Stop pandering to utter foolishness. – Bits Blog

It makes one wonder what is happening to our culture when a 2nd grade boy decides he has to dress up as a girl and his public school chooses to accommodate his feelings. – Dallas Blog

The original purpose of the public schools was to indoctrinate children in being “Good Americans.” At the time, this meant Protestant patriots who worked for work’s sake. Now, public schools are still indoctrinating little “Good Americans,” but this time it means supporting the idea that man is first, last, and all-importantly a sexual animal whose desires, no mater how perverse, need to be sated without consequence or guilt. First, it was Sex Ed. Then condoms and abortion referrals. Then, GLBT clubs and gay proms. Now, this satanic doctrine is manifesting itself in the policy of a public school in Colorado allowing a sexually confused second grade boy to come to school dressed, and addressed, as a girl. – Fish In A Barrel

Gone from all the school system’s accommodation is any concern for other kids and other parents; there’s no question in the District’s mind — everyone else needs to be exposed to this perversion, because the rights of the perverted come before the rights of those who support normalcy. – Cheat Seeking Missles

Is there anyone other than me that thinks this crap is not something the child one day woke up and said, wait, I’m transgendered! I would bet the farm that this kid got it from some media outlet or, G-D forbid, his parents! What is happening to our society? – Democrat Equals Socialist

A look at the facts:

1. Gender identity disorder (GID) is a treatable mental disorder. The most common treatment for GID is gender transition. This isn’t a new phenomenon.

2. Genetic biology is immutable, gender isn’t. There are a myriad of choices people make on a daily basis to be able to live in their mind and body comfortably. It’s this wacky thing called personal liberty.

3. People are perceived based on how they present, not what genitals they have. Look at the person next to you, do you have personal knowledge of what their genitals look like?

4. The schools are simply following medical protocol. (standards of care). This doesn’t have anything to do with an “agenda” or propaganda.

I find it highly ironic that these some folks will be the ones talking about parents having the freedom to parent their children as they wish when it comes to corporal punishment, but when it comes to a diagnosable, treatable mental disorder they cry foul. Some suggest the reason for this gender identity disorder a psychological genesis (psychodynamics and sexual object choice), but will not accept the standard of care for gender identity disorder.

It’s another answer begging the question. I guess that’s what you have to when you don’t have the facts on your side.

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  1. “Not all women are feminine and not all men are masculine.” True, Gogol 🙂 and it is also important to remember that not all transwomen are feminine and not all transmen are masculine, by Western cultural definitions.

  2. From what I’ve read, sex is a biological construct while gender is a social construct. There are plenty of people who fit into the biological category of one sex and yet don’t match up with a gender commonly associated with their sex. Not all women are feminine and not all men are masculine. I’ve met several transgendered people in my life and I can’t imagine how miserable they would be if they hadn’t gone through with the surgery. Some of them might not even be alive today. People judge because they can’t understand and I pity those who are so closed-minded. I myself had to put up with tons of harrassment from peers and teachers because I wasn’t “girly enough” for them. Well, I’ve always been female and I’m proud of who I am even if I’m not feminine enough for people. Screw them, it’s my life and my choice. Same with this child- it’s ultimately his own choice and not the choice of some judgemental, ignorant blogger with a superiority complex.

  3. The good thing about the blogosphere is also the bad thing about it: anyone can have a blog, including hicks, hillbillies, rednecks, idiots, conservative wingnuts, and Religious Reichers – and examples exist above in the quoted blogs. Bad often comes with good – and the fact that our efforts to gain rights is gaining positive publicity was bound to see a backlash – and I’m really starting to see that in my area – the Jefferson County School issue was truly ugly and brought out all the conservanuts, religiofreaks, and just plain old hicks.

    The real war for T rights isn’t going to necessarily be to win protective laws. The war will be to vanquish the stupidity of the rednecks and hillbillies, and the Religious Reich, as they will simply ignore such laws and continue their bashings and character assassinations. Personally, I’d like to outlaw fundamentalist Christianity and scientology as a valid belief systems and place hicks, rednecks, and hillbillies into concentration camps, but that’s rather impractical – who’d pick up our garbage or clean our roadways, otherwise?

  4. i find it ironic somehow, that a man who has trouble spelling simple words is making claims about word meanings, even when all current dictionaries prove him wrong. the following is lifted directly from the blog linked through his comment:

    Peeve: How about you, personally I am feed up with bieing treated like a non-hmaan. I am a human being, I have a sex, not a gender, which ionly a proper of nouns, masculine or feminine. Don’t ask is, I don’t have one. So are you a real person or just a noun?

  5. David, you can play all the word games you like. I’m sure it suits your cause. The facts are hard things to move around, so I understand your propensity to play grammarian. Gender identity is something that even the most conservative therapists agree exist.