Tag: TERFs

Tag: TERFs

APA worried, FBI arrests GCer for terrorism, and JKR goes full Glinner

April 26, 2022 ·

city road man people
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) issues an alert over the rising number of state laws aimed at harming trans youth, the FBI just arrested a "gender critical" guy for threatening to bomb the dictionary over its definition of "female," and all JK Rowling seems to do now is anti-transgender activism. The APA is Worried Echoing our own assessment, the APA said the course that Florida and other states are taking will harm trans youth: Our organizations, representing nearly 600,000 physicians… Read more.

McCarthyistic Trannies and Golden Cis Tears

February 19, 2015 ·

"Are you now or have you ever been a TERF?" screams the title of the latest missive from the NewStatesman. The implication of the headline is that trans people are silencing through McCarthyistic tactics. The definition of McCarthyism: 1. the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, especially of pro-Communist activity, in many instances unsupported by proof or based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence. 2. the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict… Read more.

TERFs are the new Westboro Baptist Church

July 28, 2014 ·

The Wesboro Baptist Church. It's been a nuisance to the LGBT community since 1991 when it took its first steps to publicly advocate against gay people. We've all heard of them. They were a cause for many a family members loss if appetite at the dinner table when their "God Hates Fags" slogans were posted in family rooms across this nation, and the world. Yes, they were certainly a nuisance. But, that nuisance had a benefit in the grand… Read more.

PGN! TERF Victoria Brownworth Teaches Us About Transphobia?! What, Julie Bindel wasn’t Available?

June 25, 2013 ·

Having read The Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) article by Victoria A. Brownworth titled "Victims of the night: Stories of trans sex workers"  I was very impressed by the authors personal investment in her neighbors well being. Her writing indicates a deep compassion for the most marginalized of our community, Tiffani, a black transgender working woman and offered many teaching moments. I was totally cool with her piece until I read the comments and began wondering why trans people were so upset with… Read more.