Tag: Privacy For All Students

Tag: Privacy For All Students

CRI speaking to their Conservative Christian base On AB1266

March 13, 2014 ·

"I don't mind if you take pictures, especially like liposuction me, if you've got any sort of like...yeah, Photoshop -- something like that. But, we're not recording tonight. We recently were targeted by the IRS for those of you on our email list; we recently just finished -- and you'll be hearing more about this -- an audit by the Attorney General that was due on the same day that final numbers on AB1266 came out." - Karen England,… Read more.

Yet Another Update of California Referendum Targeting Trans Children

December 10, 2013 ·

The data in this update is in large part from a peer LGBT community activist who wants to remain anonymous, and the commentary is mine. The update is accurate as of the December 10th update found on the California Secretary of State's page on the AB1266 referendum update page. The position of the proponents has improved since the December 4th update. Counties that have completed the spot-checking of signature validity: 32 of 58. Percentage of total signatures turned in that… Read more.

AB1266 Referendum Drive: So Far, Not So Good For Privacy For All Students Coalition

November 22, 2013 ·

The Secretary of State's office described the process and procedure for qualifying the School Success And Opportunity Act (AB1266) for referendum on the November, 2014 ballot: Once the requisite number of signatures has been collected, they must be filed with the appropriate county elections official(s). Counties then have eight working days to report the raw count of signatures to the Secretary of State. If the raw count of signatures equals 100% or more of the total number of signatures needed… Read more.

Where PJI’s Arguments Fall Apart In Florence, Colorado

November 10, 2013 ·

With talking points, it's easy to demonize a class of people as a class of people. When confronted with one, very humanized person who belongs to that class of people, it can be hard for someone to stick to the class demonization talking points. An example on point: the demonization of trans female youth as a class of people -- people described by the demonizers as male -- as bathroom and locker room predators of cisgender girls. The Pacific Justice… Read more.

Many Quotes About AB 1266

October 31, 2013 ·

I've collected a number of quotes from those against California's School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266) referendum signature drive and should it turn out to be successful. There's also some background quotes by some of the characters or organizations involved with signature drive as they give some context for previous comments. So, to give you an idea of the measured words of the PJI at the hearing on AB 1266 (The California Success and Opportunity Act) bill and their… Read more.