Tag: bathrooms

Tag: bathrooms

Two Cis Women Sexually Assault Trans Woman in Public Bathroom

January 9, 2019 ·

Two cisgender women sexually assaulted a transgender woman in a North Carolina public restroom. The cisgender women, Jessica Fowler and Amber Harrell, were arrested for sexual battery and second-degree kidnapping. According to reports, the sexual assault happened at Milk Bar on December 9th, 2018 and the two were charged and arrested. According to the call reporting the crime to the police, the two cisgender women forced the victim against the wall of the bathroom and sexually assaulted her. As the victim was… Read more.

Washington’s Just Want Privacy’s Talking Points For Their Antitrans Initiative

April 12, 2016 ·

Do you want to know what Just Want Privacy's talking points are? The talking points that the organization gives out to their spokespeople who support of their "repeal the rule" initiative on transgender public accommodations? The things they tell them not to say? Just Want Privacy is the group who wants to repeal the public accommodation antidiscrimination protections based on gender identity in Washington by a statewide initiative. One thing… Read more.

Anti-Trans GoFundMe Campaign Includes PJI – An SPLC Identified Anti-LGBT Hate Group

October 15, 2015 ·

The Privacy For All (PFA) coalition that includes the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) -- a Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified active Anti-LGBT hate group -- is raising funds on their website for the Limits On Use Of Facilities In Government Buildings And Businesses Initiative Statute (which they're referring to as the "Personal Privacy Protection Act"). This is in violation of GoFundMe's own Terms and Conditions. Specifically, on their Terms and Conditions webpage, GoFundMe lists under the header What's… Read more.

The Coming California Bathroom Initiative

May 4, 2015 ·

Brad Dacus's "Prancing Transgender Voyeurs" Quote The first line of what California's Personal Privacy Protection Act initiative would create as California Health & Safety Code § 118501, should it become law in 2016, is this: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person shall use facilities in accordance with their biological sex in all government buildings. The Personal Privacy Protection Act is currently a request for a Title And Summary For Proposed Initiative that's been… Read more.

San Antonio: not as mature as their children

August 28, 2013 ·

San Antonio adults standing up for their right to discriminate. For the past month, the adults of San Antonio have been wringing their collective hands in very public displays of "concern" over a city ordinance that would extend equality to *gasp* trans citizens. While the notion of trans/cis equality has set the adult's tongues awaggin, their children already extend this equality to trans children. San Antonio ISD has, for some time now, had a trans-inclusive policy… Read more.

California Trans Bill Freak Out

August 27, 2013 ·

Supposedly, as the RadRight narrative goes, the California bill protecting trans kids in school is anarchy and madness. Unsurprisingly, TERFs and H-BSers jumped on that narrative: You know what? BS. Here in TEXAS - yes, conservative TEXAS - we've had these California-style policies in effect for YEARS. And you know what's happened? Nothing... Except trans kids got to go to school without having to face institutionalized bigotry. Yup, from kindergarten to high school, here in Texas towns like Houston, trans kids… Read more.

GA Allows Transgender Girl To Use – Oh My! -The Girls’ Room

August 22, 2013 ·

By Lianne Simon Atlanta Gender Variations is a support group for the families of gender variant children. A few months ago they invited me to speak about intersex and share some of my history. One of the issues they shared with me was that of Skylar, a twelve-year-old transgender girl, who had been denied use of the girls’ restroom at her school. Although they had instructed her to use the faculty restroom, she had, on at least one occasion, been denied… Read more.

Flushing the Potty Panic

June 21, 2011 ·

In 1975, a very curious thing happened in an area of the country where one might not expect such a curious event to take place. The city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, became the first jurisdiction in history of the United States of America to pass an ordinance guaranteeing the equal protection under the law of the right of sex and/or gender variant people to live their lives free of discrimination by others based on their "having or being perceived as having… Read more.

Opponent of Gainesville’s “Bathroom Bill” Arrested For Bathroom Voyeurism

October 21, 2009 ·

From the Gainesville Sun: The CVS Pharmacy manager who allegedly admitted Friday to filming women in his store's bathroom was an active participant in the 2008 charter amendment to "keep men out of women's restrooms." Jonathan Matheny, 27, was charged with one count of video voyeurism after a customer told police she had discovered a cell phone equipped with a camera under a pile of tissues in the CVS bathroom at 125 S.W. 34th St. Can you say projection? Maybe… Read more.

The Big Shitty Lie: Transgender Trouble and Toilets

June 16, 2009 ·

On twitter yesterday, Kyle Pratt of Ruminations Blog posted this: 'Bathroom bill' foes rally in Mass.: http://digg.com/d1tt6Z?t More problems with "transgender" guys and restrooms. Of which I responded with: Can you name one person that's been a victim of a sex crime by transgender person in a bathroom? Lying to scare people is pathetic. he responded by saying: I don’t think I scared anyone, it wasn’t a lie--it is a warning. There 's no reason a man should go into… Read more.

My Dead Feminist Heart

April 15, 2009 ·

Reading Nexy's blog, I found out about a post over at Feministing and the boycott that's being called by some in the transgender community. The title of the post is "Men in Women's Bathrooms, Is Your State Next?" I don't believe the post itself was bad. The original post author, Miriam, asked in the last paragraph: "Here's the thing that always gets me about the bathroom debate: The idea that laws governing a space which by nature is unpoliced, unregulated… Read more.

Can I Just Piss, Please?

February 14, 2007 ·

[kml_flashembed movie="http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf" width="430" height="346" fvars="m=893028993;type=video"/] This movie is right on! It's ridiculous i have to choose between going to jail or possible physical violence, just to go pee. If you like this vid you should go over to PlanetOut Short Movie Awards Audience Awards and vote for "Wrong Bathroom." Tip - Maria Read more.