as if you needed to read any more... THE CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR OF THE SERIAL RAPIST From 1984 to 1986, FBI Special Agents assigned to theNationalCenterfor the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) interviewed 41 men who were responsible for raping 837 victims. Previous issues of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin provided an introduction to this research (1) and the characteristics of the rapists and their victims. (2) This article, however, describes the behavior of these serial rapists during and… Read more.
Be a Trans Advocate
Tag: Barney Frank
Tag: Barney Frank
HB235, NCTE, ENDA, and the big Reveal
April 18, 2011 · Marti Abernathey
When Mara Keisling of NCTE publically came out in support of Maryland's gender identity anti-discrimination bill, I wondered what her angle on it was. Bilerico recently posted "3 Ways to Improve ENDA Advocacy: Take the Fight to the States" written by civil rights attorney Tico Almeida. Almeida points to why there was such a push for HB235:"But the policy and legislative advocates at both NCTE and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force think it is plausible that we can… Read more.
Why No ENDA? The Scary Trans Frank’en Penis!
February 15, 2011 · Marti Abernathey
There's a meme going around the GLBT leadership out in the media right now that goes something like this: "Democrats wouldn't pass ENDA even when we had the votes and no one knows why." And what do our transgender leaders say about this troubling question? Dana Beyer blamed it on the "national LBGT leadership": "This was strange, since after talking to then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) a number of colleagues said she was perplexed as to why the national LGBT leadership had abandoned… Read more.
The Blind Push For ENDA And Your Advocacy Dollars
April 19, 2010 · Marti Abernathey
Tomorrow you'll likely to see a big push from inside the beltway "equality" organizations pushing for passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). From a recent e-mail plea: Dear United ENDA Coalition Organizational Leaders: We think you'll agree that our community is more than ready to see ENDA passed now. So we are writing to ask your organization to sign on to a very simple statement asking Congress to PASS ENDA NOW. The statement is attached but you'll see that… Read more.
ENDA And Barney Frank’s Trans Penis Panic
April 13, 2010 · Marti Abernathey
In a recent interview with Karen Ocamb, Barney Frank said: “I’m hoping to get a vote on it in committee . I’m doing a lot of work on it quietly, to get the issues involving transgender access to rooms where people have their clothes off. That’s a fact that you have to deal with, particularly for people who have not had an operation." Frank has had a reputation for… Read more.
Dr. Jillian T. Weiss Soon To Join Other Transgender Activists In The Wilderness
February 10, 2010 · Marti Abernathey
That's my opinion on where the good doctor is headed. In a recent post at she said: "The incredibly unflappable Signorile asked about the failure of Congress to move on ENDA and DADT, and the President's failure to lead. Frank's angry response was that the LGBT community has failed to lobby Congress. He characterized our community as "lazy" and "whining". He said "that is why we will lose" on ENDA and DADT. It was obvious he was more interested… Read more.
Is HRC Wicked?: A Return TO Barney Frank’s Oz
September 17, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Coming up on the two year anniversary of the Human Right Campaign's (HRC) support of Barney Frank dropping gender identity from the 2007 Employment Non-discrimination Act (ENDA), the irony of HRC's current position on DOMA couldn't be scripted any thicker. HRC defended their defection with Frank in 2007 this way: "Our community can work with the people who want to help us, or we can walk out on them," Solmonese wrote. "In a community facing such fierce opposition from the… Read more.
Frank Leaps Transgender Lobbyists in Single Bound
September 1, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled/miffed/baffled by Barney Frank's insinuation in this exchange: There is another difference from 2007. Frank now has a policy adviser who is a female-to-male transsexual. Diego Sanchez is the first transgender person hired for a senior congressional staff position on Capitol Hill. Sanchez has done extensive face-to-face lobbying for ENDA, and Frank says that's enabled some members of Congress to get to know a transsexual for the first time. "He interacts… Read more.
The G & The L Rises, T Sinks And Fails, And All Is AOK? BS!
July 13, 2009 · mkailey
"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." — Martin Luther King Jr. Well it didn't take long for responses to my last blog. One person wrote me privately saying she was disappointed I didn't "understand" how "serious" the Pam's House Blend controversy was and that I should've "come down harder" on her and Autumn Sandeen for these bannings or muzzlings they enacted on their trans "members and bloggers." Then on my posting I had… Read more.
Transsexuals Not Covered In Hate Crimes Bill
April 6, 2009 · Marti Abernathey
Back on Feburary 25, 2009 Kathy Padilla wrote a post over at Pam's House Blend titled "Hate Crimes & ENDA: Bad Bills Come and Bad Bills Go". When it came out I really thought it would be one of those explosive posts that rocked the community down to the bone. She said: "The new definitions can generally be said to cover gender expression but not gender identity. Which in the real world would present the likelihood that gender variant gay,… Read more.
Diego Sanchez Named Senior Legislative Adviser To Barney Frank
December 17, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
Sources on the Hill confirmed to The Transadvocate that Barney Frank's office will announce the hiring of Diego Sanchez today. Sanchez will replace outgoing senior policy adviser, Joe Racalto. Read more.
The Gingrich That Stole Christmas
December 9, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
There's a recurrent story that is going through the gossip circles during the Christmas season in trannyland. It goes like this: Barney Frank and the Human Rights Campaign really got their clocks cleaned by the United ENDA controversy, and now that they've really learned their lesson! Good ole' St. Frank and the HRC's equality elves will surprise everyone and come on board by supporting a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and opposing any version that doesn't include everyone. There's only one problem with that dream/fantasy/rumor... it ain't true! Read more.
The Song Remains The Same
August 28, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
NCTE Lobby Days: Where’s Waldo, HRC, or Barney Frank?
April 18, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
Taking Pot Shots At Trans Rights
March 25, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
Back to Oz
February 15, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
I really do hesitate to even write this post, as the topic is a rehash of one of the ugliest times for GLBT unity I've ever seen. Recently Matt Foreman said the following on the Michelangelo Signorile Show concerning the ENDA debacle: I think what really happened is the Speaker's people said 'look, Congress has a terrible reputation right now, they're not delivering for any progressive causes, what do we do to deliver for our progressive allies?' That means labor, health, and environment, and gays. And so, I mean... I don't know this for a fact, but I'd bet my life this is what happened. They went to Barney frank, they said, 'what do we need to do to pass ENDA?' Representative Frank, who's always been pretty squeamish on the trans issue, ... and I guess I can say these things because I'm leaving my job, ya know, said 'look the best way to pass ENDA and the easiest way is to take out gender identity.' And I don't think the Speaker's people thought this through, didn't think it through and said 'lets do it. ' Yesterday, Barney Frank came on Signorile's show to respond to Foreman's statement and said: He just made that up, that's not remotely how it happened. He also has no basis for talking about my attitude on transgender people because I've had one set of conversations with Matt Foreman about transgender people. In 2002, when he was the head of Empire State Pride Agenda, he lobbied hard to get through the New York legislature a bill that did exactly what our bill did last year, it covered discrimination based on sexual orientation, but excluded people that were transgender. Some people didn't like that. Tom Duane said at the time that Matt Foreman excluded him from meetings on the subject. Matt Foreman not only helped get that bill through, frankly, and this I disagreed with, as part of the deal to get it though, that year the Empire State Pride Agenda endorsed the Republican George Pataki for reelection over an outstanding African American Democrat, Carl McCall. So you had Matt Foreman guiding to passage an ENDA bill that didn't cover transgender, it was called SONDA for the State of New York, and in return, denying an endorsement that I think he should have gotten on to Carl McCall. The reason I talked about it with him was because called me around that time, this is late 2002, and said 'I'm being criticized for doing this, would you come to a meeting that we're having in New York to celebrate it and give an award for Gov Pataki to show that uh people shouldn't be attacking me for it.' And even though I did disagree with decision to make make the deal with Pataki, I do believe that you work together with each other, and you try to be supportive, and I went up there. Read more.
Protest, HRC, and My Investment Portfolio
February 14, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
I like to think of my advocacy/political work in much of the same way as I think of how to invest my money. I see activism as an investment in my community and my future. With that in mind, I have to say that I don't see the benefit in protesting the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). There are so many national organizations that support transgender people and support gender identity in ENDA (National Stonewall Democrats, National Gay and Lesbian Task… Read more.
Hillary Talk, Not Gender Talk, Not Frank Talk
February 8, 2008 · Marti Abernathey
In the past week or so I've noticed increasing heat (see also: infighting) from the supporters in the GLBT Clinton camp. Tuesday they pointed towards Hillary Clinton's "fully inclusive" ENDA statement as a sign that Hillary is a more GLBT inclusive candidate than Barack Obama. I unexpectedly found an example of this kind of rhetoric from Nancy Nangeroni (of Gender Talk fame). She included the text from Hillary's statement to the GLBT community that included her support to: pass the… Read more.