Tag: African American

Tag: African American


December 23, 2014 ·

Cianán is a lapsed Ph.D. chemist, writer, public speaker, trainer, activist, and assessment expert whose interests in activism are transmasculine representation in global trans activism and development of the public concept of trans folks as complete people with lives, identities, and desires beyond simply being trans. As a gay trans man, his personal interests also include expanding the visibility of the variety of trans folks, prevention and treatment of sexual violence and rape amongst trans survivors, and sexual and reproductive… Read more.

Inaugural BlaqOut Conference Coming Next Month

March 9, 2014 ·

The inaugural BlaqOUT Conference will be held April 18-19 on the UC Riverside campus! The University of California, Riverside cordially invites all folks who self identify as Black/African American or of African descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somewhere on the LGBT spectrum to apply to attend. So what does it cost to attend BlaqOUT? The Regular Registration Fee is $20 per person selected to attend and a t-shirt is included. The Reduced Registration Fee is $10 per person… Read more.

We Black Trans People Need To Know Our Black Trans History

November 1, 2011 ·

And I'm not just talking about our Black history, world history, or American history (although we need to be cognizant of that as well) but our Black trans history. One of the reasons this blog is named TransGriot is because I was tired of Black trans people being unaware of the Black people who walked in our trans shoes before we arrived on this planet to pick up where they left off.  I was tired of us not knowing who… Read more.

When Will I See Black Trans Characters Like Edie Stokes Again?

September 29, 2011 ·

Back in 1977, in the Jefferson's fourth season we were introduced to George's old Navy buddy who was in New York to visit for a few days.   George's buddy had a reputation in the Navy as a practical jokester and he was eager to see his old friend. However, there had been some major changes in the intervening years since George had seen his old buddy, and he was shocked to discover Edie's transition.   He handled their initial… Read more.

Yo Don, We Need To Talk – Again

August 28, 2011 ·

I was parked in front of the TV like most of trans America watching Don Lemon's interview on The Joy Behar Show, and I spent most of it like Janet Mock and probably countless other people around the country mumbling WTF under my breath Here you had a panel that includes Harmony Santana, Isis King, Laverne Cox and Chaz Bono.  All are groundbreaking people with interesting storylines, and the best you can do in that air time is conduct a… Read more.

Black Transpeople’s Burden -The NBJC Report On The NTDS Findings

August 10, 2011 ·

As I've talked about over the last five years on TransGriot, the way a gender transition is experienced for African descended transpeople is vastly different from the way our white counterparts do. The National Black Justice Coalition recently sent me a copy of the report they compiled based on the recently released National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS). Of the 6,456 people who completed the survey that the data was based on, 381 of them were Black or Black multiracial. This… Read more.

Embracing Trans Diversity is not a Luxury

July 10, 2009 ·

Over the 12 years of living my life as Monica, I have been privileged to learn many things about the TBLG community, but mostly about the trans community. The biggest lesson in my short life as a woman has been the diversity of our people. Trans individuals have covered every segment of human experience since the dawn of time. We span all races, all sexual orientations, all gender identities, all gender expressions, all social and economic levels, all job experiences,… Read more.