The Fox News headline “Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment” sets the stage for this “Cultural War” against trans people written by Todd Starnes.
Deconstructing Fox lies.
The headline of Starnes article is a lie. There is no wording in the new policy mentioning disciplinary actions of any kind.
Todd Starnes writes “The new rules would also prevent teachers and administrators from telling parents with which gender their child identifies.”
That’s a lie. According to the Massachusetts Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity the school will be empowered to formulate a plan with the student to inform others that is in the best interest of the student providing the student is over the age of 14 or has entered the 9th grade. If the student is younger than that the students parents should be automatically be brought into the conversation to help formulate the plan.
Fox used the vitriol of a hate group to validate this hate filled screed:
“The Massachusetts Family Institute denounced the new rules calling them a violation of privacy.”
“Fundamentally, boys need to be using the boys’ room and girls need to be using the girls’ rooms, and we base that on their anatomical sex, not some sort of internalized gender identity,” said Andrew Beckwith, the institute’s general counsel.”
“Beckwith told Fox News the new policy has a “very broad standard that is ripe for abuse.”
We hear this tripe from haters, the door will be left open for predators. What a heap of trash.
Here’s what the new policy says about public accommodations:
Fox isn’t done with Beckwith yet pandering to the fears of haters saying:
“And any student who refuses to refer to a transgendered student by the name or sex they identify with could face punishment.
For example – a fifth grade girl might feel uncomfortable using the restroom if there is an eighth grade transgendered boy in the next stall.
Under the state guidelines, the girl would have no recourse, Beckwith said.
“And if the girl continued to complain she could be subjected to discipline for not affirming that student’s gender identity choice,” he told Fox News.”
“It should not be tolerated and can be grounds for student discipline,” the directive states
That is a bold faced italicized lie.
Again the policy was posted earlier in the article. There are is no mention of discipline or course of actions laid out if and when a child’s gender expression is challenged.
Then gym came up. the directive suggests:
So there it is. You can read the full Fox screed Here.
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