Epileptics are Demon Posessed. Really, Jesus Told Me So.

March 7, 2007 ·

I found this on Saurly Yours: “Sex Change Operations: Are They Choice or Necessity?

I left this comment in response.

“I’m not really going to spend too much time discussing things here, because it’s pretty obvious that you have no desire for debate. Pretty typical on the internet, you state your opinion and then shoot down any disagreement. You discount Dr Weiss without stating any logical argument, instead you try to play some sort of educational war of the degrees.

When sexual reassignment surgery is an option that can be obtained by simply going to a surgeon and plopping down the cash, I’ll agree with you that it’s a choice. If transsexuality is removed from the DSM IV and SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) can be obtained without a diagnosis of GID disorder, I’ll agree with you it’s a choice. But right now, it’s a treatment to a ‘mental illness’ that requires many hoops to be jumped through.

Your question makes no logical sense. All treatments to mental illnesses are ‘choices.’ The question is, is this choice needed. There’s 100 years of research behind gender dysphoria, and according to the Standards of Care used to treat transsexuals:

‘Sex Reassignment is Effective and Medically Indicated in Severe GID. In persons diagnosed with transsexualism or profound GID, sex reassignment surgery, along with hormone therapy and real life experience, is a treatment that has proven to be effective. Such a therapeutic regimen, when prescribed or recommended by qualified practitioners, is medically indicated and medically necessary. Sex reassignment is not “experimental,” “investigational,” “elective,” “cosmetic,” or optional in any meaningful sense. It constitutes very effective and appropriate treatment for transsexualism or profound GID.’

Ms. Stanton didn’t deserve to be fired simply for transitioning. But the fact that she will be, is a loss for the people of Largo. It’s their loss, more than it is hers. My guess is that with a history of a six figure income, Ms. Stanton wont have to worry about her financial situation.”

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