Randi Rhodes’ Transphobic Moment

Listening to “progressive radio,” you don’t really hear to many examples of out and out transphobia. Listening to Randi Rhodes on Air America Radio I heard her mock Ann Coulter, insinuating she was a transsexual….

The Dirty Dozens

Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States and look at all the trans friendly people who are endorsing her campaign. Can you imagine endorsing a candidate that doesn’t support…

Pro-Choice is Pro-Trans

Years before my transition, when asked how I felt about abortion, I would jokingly I would say, “personally, I’d never have one.” It was my way of wiggling out of this very sensitive hot button…

Taking The Tyranny Out Of The Y

With the ongoing battles between radical feminists and transgender bloggers, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what it means to be transgender. Radical feminists, in the vein of Andrea Dworkin‘s dream of an…

Ok, Maybe I’m Just Cranky

The headline from a recent Rex Wockner PrideSource  post screams “Transsexual becomes mayor of Cambridge”. What would you think of this headline: “Gay becomes mayor of Cambridge”? Now, I know that “Lesbian becomes mayor of…

What’s In A Word? Context, Ya Fag!

I know I have this obsession with words. I’ve never particularly liked Queerty.com because it’s posts on transfolk generally border on bad taste/transphobia. The most recent edition sports this headline: When I think of the…

Are You Hungry?

If you’ve been to TA today, you might have noticed that in the left sidebar I’ve linked to the site feed for ALL the bloggers of Transadvocate.com. I really am proud of Nexy, Sabrina, Autumn,…

It’s A Tranny Inferno!

As the years go by, I tend to think that this culture is becoming more and more progressive. But I’ve seen snippets of the past that keep reminding me it isn’t exactly the case. Take…