Can I Just Piss, Please?

February 14, 2007 ·

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”430″ height=”346″ fvars=”m=893028993;type=video”/]

This movie is right on! It’s ridiculous i have to choose between going to jail or possible physical violence, just to go pee.

If you like this vid you should go over to PlanetOut Short Movie Awards Audience Awards and vote for “Wrong Bathroom.”

Tip – Maria

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  1. Damn, that’s a good one!

    I love the rubber ducky shower curtain in the background. And I want that “The Man/The Legend” shirt…

  2. Damn, that’s a good one!

    I love the rubber ducky shower curtain in the background. And I want that “The Man/The Legend” shirt…