Posts by dallasdenny

Posts by dallasdenny

Moving trans* history forward symposium

April 2, 2014 ·

Left to Right: Ariadne Kane, Viviane Namaste, Susan Styker. Photo by Dr. Aaron Devor.   You can never go wrong when you hang out with Ms. Bob Davis. Seriously. Ms. Bob is professor at City College of San Francisco and a serious collector of trans literature. She’s a multi-talented woman, with two of those talents being music and writing. I know her writing well—it has appeared, among other places, in Lady Like, Transgender Community News, and Transgender Tapestry, and… Read more.

The Letter

July 20, 2013 ·

When I learned Routledge Press was planning to publish a book about "transgenderism" by Australian academician Sheila Jeffreys, I was astonished. Why was I astonished? Because Jeffreys considers transsexual surgery a human rights violation, has called medical intervention with transgendered children eugenics and McCarthyism, and refuses to use appropriate pronouns when referring to us, cynically claiming she is seeking “clarity.”  I identity FTMs and MTFs by the pronouns that demonstrate their sex class of origin for the sake of clarity. –FTM Transsexualism… Read more.