All’s Sans Daylight on the Exterminationist Frontier

February 6, 2011 ·

One Sunday morning reading selection:

The term Transgender is an umbrella term coined by transgender activists to describe the following individuals: heterosexual cross-dressers; homosexual transvestites or drag queens; and transsexuals (individuals undergoing so-called sex change operations) and she-males.

Some of these individuals live their lives as she-males with both female and male sexual characteristics. These are deeply troubled individuals who need professional help, not societal approval or affirmation.

And another Sunday morning reading selection:

If we listen to transgender people we will hear that they feel victimized.

And another Sunday morning reading selection:

Media Is Aiding Transgender Movement

Hollywood and the liberal media are doing their part to normalize this serious mental illness. In 2001, for example, the Los Angeles Times published “Era of the Gender Crosser,” that portrayed transgendered individuals as a misunderstood and persecuted minority.

And, another Sunday morning reading selection:

The National Center for Transgender Equality is set to roll out their National Transgender Discrimination Survey Report tomorrow, with all the media fanfare they can muster. Titled “Injustice At Every Turn” the survey of 6,500 trans people tracks the feelings of transgender people and whether they feel discriminated against in areas of healthcare and plastic surgery access, workplace discrimination, public treatment, family approval, ability to obtain fictional legal sex markers, discrimination of criminals being jailed with those of their own sex, etc. The NCTE put out a call months ago for amateur trans activists who can present sympathetic anecdotes of their victimization that the public will easily empathize with. But they’re really doing trans people no favors.

And another Sunday morning reading selection:

Government sponsored fiction in legal sex markers is discriminatory against trans people. It forces them into situations where they are discriminated against by scientific fact. It invisibilizes them and denies the reality of their very physiology. It renders them statistically non-existent. It causes discrimination.

It’s time for our government institutions to put an end to this victimization of transgender people by eliminating fictional legal gender markers. Contact your Senators and Representatives today and tell them it’s time to put an end to legalized Fictional Gender Markers.

And another Sunday morning reading selection:

The reality is that no person can actually change into a different sex. Maleness and femaleness are in the DNA and are unchangeable. A man who has his sex organ removed and takes hormone treatments to grow female breasts is still genetically a male. He is simply a mutilated man, not a woman. This fiction, however, is being perpetrated by a perverted sexual ideology—not by biological facts or science.

Now, your mission – should you decide to accept it (and why wouldn’t you?) – is (1) to guess which ones are the product of anti-constitutionist christianist psychopaths and which ones are the product of the latest round of Raymond-Daly-Greer-Chiland-Vincent-AROOO-Dirt-ism, and (2) to reflect deeply and ask yourself whether, at the core, there is really any daylight between those two forms of trans-exterminationism.

With porn, it was:

With the reality of trans people, why not:

After all…

I’ve never seen Andrea Lafferty and ‘Dirt’ in the same room at the same time…

Have you?

[Cross-posted at ENDABlog]

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  1. These people really wind me up. They just want to “help us” as all Christian people should do, to help others, but they’re not helping, they’re judging, and ask any Christian, it’s not they’re job to judge, that’s God’s job. Now, I am a Christian, I’m also trans, but these people want us to believe what they say as they have “facts” on their side, it’s called The Bible. A book of at least 2,000 years old passed down by word of mouth before being put in writing, and we all know how religious history has never been hijacked for the wants or needs of the people at the time (ie Henry Viii broke away from the Roman Catholic church to found the Anglican Church so he could get divorced).

    The facts are, if you we’re to tell a shrink about your belief in God, in any God, and he didn’t know anything about God, you’d be locked in a very white, very padded room. The existance of God or God’s or no god, can’t be proven or disproven, that’s why it’s called faith. I know how I feel, I know how certain things make me feel. I don’t need a doctor or a medical test to tell me how and what I am, so to all those who try to tell me who or what I am, thanks, but no thanks.

  2. Come to think of it, you’re right…

    And one other thing both groups have in common, they’re racist, too

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