Tag: Title VII

Tag: Title VII

EEOC Commissioner: “Contrary state or local laws provide no defense to an employer that violates Title VII”

April 14, 2016 ·

Recently in BuzzFeed in the article Feds “Ready” For Transgender Discrimination Complaints In North Carolina, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Chai Feldblum was quoted as saying: I want workers to know that even though there isn’t yet a federal Equality Act protecting them, even though there is not a state law protecting them, and even though city laws have been removed, they can walk into a federal agency called the EEOC. Their claim will be taken, it will be… Read more.

Chris, I’ll Say It Again: You’re Wrong

September 22, 2007 ·

With a vote coming soon on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, I'd like to revisit something Chris Crain said a while back in his post "A trans activist tees off on ENDA" that was in reference to my post "You Can Still Fire Me". At his blog he said: The EEOC says exactly what I said: "existing federal civil rights laws have already been interpreted by SOME JUDGES to protect trans workers." Is it every judge? No. Would adding "gender identity"… Read more.