Carnival of Bent Attractions: May(-ish) Edition

As some of you may have noticed, there was no Carnival of Bent Attractions (COBA) post last month. This was partially due to the move of COBA to So without further ado, the May…

May Flowers and ENDA’s Showers

I pulled a couple of well versed legal minds in to shed more light on the shared space concerns: “It’s problematic for employees who have transitioned prior to employment. As I read it, it means…

You’re Just A Tranny… And You Always Will Be

So we’ve got a trans-inclusive ENDA, time to celebrate! Or so I thought, till I actually looked at the language. Section 8(a)(3) CERTAIN SHARED FACILITIES- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to establish an…

Unity and Hope

In my recent post, Rose Colored Glasses, I had quite a few people respond here and on livejournal. Anyone familiar with the history of the trans-community and HRC (Human Rights Campaign) will know how contentious…