Gawking at TransKid’s Genitalia is “Freedom of Speech” says Philly PD
A much older adult, who was famous in the eyes of a kid, talked the minor into exposing themselves to the adult. The adult then took a good long look – long enough to memorize…
A much older adult, who was famous in the eyes of a kid, talked the minor into exposing themselves to the adult. The adult then took a good long look – long enough to memorize…
Victoria Brownworth has been in the news lately because she is a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) who has a history of interpreting the trans experience for disempowered trans people. What follows are excerpts from her 2008 Philadelphia Gay…
Having read The Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) article by Victoria A. Brownworth titled “Victims of the night: Stories of trans sex workers” I was very impressed by the authors personal investment in her neighbors well being. Her…