So SPLC, When Are You Going To Declare The TERF’s A Hate Group?

June 2, 2013 ·

And how many more Black and Latina trans women have to die before you do so?

How many more transpeople have to suffer from anti-trans discrimination before you step up to the plate and do what you should have done years ago?

How much more hate speech do they have to publish online at RadFem Hub and Gender Trender before you call them on it?

You have four decades worth of evidence that point out the TERF’s are a hate group. Even Stevie Wonder can see they are a hate group.  The trans community who is deleteriously affected by their rabid hate damned sure knows it.  So why haven’t you as the FBI’s go to watchdog group for keeping an eye on the extremist ones in this country not done your due diligence on trans exterminationalist exclusionary radical feminism?

Your continued inaction and silence on this issue only lends credence to the belief in Trans World that you have a TERF (or TERF’s) embedded in your organization that is keeping such a declaration from happening or you simply don’t care.

Which statement is true?   Inquiring trans minds and our allies wanna know.

Because SPLC, so far all we’re getting from you right now on the subject is this.

And that’s unacceptable.

[alert type=”info”]Cross-posted from TransGriot[/alert]
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