What would you say if I told you that right-wingers on Facebook were throwing transphobic, misogynistic slurs around like this:
“a nasty two cent slut ….h. mmmmmm”
“Whoopie should have held her down and Joy could’ve bitch slapped her. Can’t stand Maddow.”
“That horse faced wench needs to put a stopper in that pie hole.”
“… Maddow isn’t a woman. It incubated, popped through someone else’s chest and somehow learned to speak.”
“If she weren’t so sadly skinny, I’d think she was Ed Shultz in drag.”
“Someone should punch that man.”
“Well, that excludes, er, ah, ‘Rachel’…”
“Oh, this horse-faced cunt again. Why won’t someone throw a bucket of water on her already.”
“She should follow her own advice, shut her piehole and get back in her 1950’s kitchen.”
“I wouldn’t be unhappy if Maddow gave up her right to vote, own property, have custody of her children, leave an abusive relationship or speak in public.”
“Vapid cunt”
“he should marry one of those right-wing hate radio guys who think feminists are Satanists, the right wing nutter.”
“It’s moments like these that I wish there were witch hunts again. She is the biggest witch and bitch in this country.”
“Does anyone care what this bimbo thinks?”
“I’ll provide a bottle of scotch to anyone that will hit her over the head with it.
“Rachel Maddow was once a man.”
If that did happen, progressives of every stripe would roundly denounce it as the hateful, violent, disgusting, transphobic, misogynistic hatred that it is.
I really do wish I could say that it was Republicans that said that…
But sadly it is not “crazy right-wing Republicans” who said those ugly things and they weren’t talking about Rachel Maddow. The comments were taken from the “progressive” leaning “We survived Bush. You will survive Obama.” Facebook group and their vitriol was pointed at Ann Coulter.
One commenter was right on the money. Eddie Garcia wrote:
“Coulter has a knack for bringing out the worst in the best of us. People who otherwise would never dream of making transphobic jokes or using a word like “cunt” suddenly forget those standards every time this woman spews another gout of toxic bile. I always felt that Ann Coulter was best ignored, I do try.”
Progressives, you have a long way to go before you can wear the word “progressive” around your neck. You need to first stop being what you contend you hate and fight against.
Mentally sick.
I am a transgender female and I love to watch Rachel Maddow. I also consider myself a progressive liberal of the old school. I know progressive have their twits, but so does every other group. Anne Coulter’s big mouth pretty much speaks for itself, no other description is necessary. Being transgender is different from being anything else. You know who you are and all you want is to be accepted and respected as a person like everyone else. But God is not going to speak in a big booming voice from on high, and there is no fantasy supernatural committee which will grant its official seal of approval which everyone will accept, so you just have to struggle day by day in the muck of acceptance by some and rejection by others with very few legal options. And even if I could wear a big neon light proclaiming that I am a female and this is certified by that great governmental gender committee in the mist, there would still be fanatical non acceptance by some and so what by others.
And LGBT is not a dishonest contrivance, but a loosely nit social grouping of individuals who come from a multitude of political, social, and religious backgrounds who have been denied their rights because of their sexual identity and or sexual orientation and have had to keep their identity hidden from the rest of society. There is a lot of public acceptance of gays and lesbians and bisexuals. Because males and females are not yet treated as equals in the world society and males are more valued than females in many cultures, transgenders who basically cross the boundary between male and female will be the last individuals whose civil rights will be protected by law among those who are discriminated against on the matters of sexual identification and sexual orientation.
Transgenders exist and some of us are associated with organized groups, and some of just struggle on by ourselves within our families and our communities.
I am a transgender female and I love to watch Rachel Maddow. I also consider myself a progressive liberal of the old school. I know progressive have their twits, but so does every other group. Anne Coulter’s big mouth pretty much speaks for itself, no other description is necessary. Being transgender is different from being anything else. You know who you are and all you want is to be accepted and respected as a person like everyone else. But God is not going to speak in a big booming voice from on high, and there is no fantasy supernatural committee which will grant its official seal of approval which everyone will accept, so you just have to struggle day by day in the muck of acceptance by some and rejection by others with very few legal options. And even if I could wear a big neon light proclaiming that I am a female and this is certified by that great governmental gender committee in the mist, there would still be fanatical non acceptance by some and so what by others.
And LGBT is not a dishonest contrivance, but a loosely nit social grouping of individuals who come from a multitude of political, social, and religious backgrounds who have been denied their rights because of their sexual identity and or sexual orientation and have had to keep their identity hidden from the rest of society. There is a lot of public acceptance of gays and lesbians and bisexuals. Because males and females are not yet treated as equals in the world society and males are more valued than females in many cultures, transgenders who basically cross the boundary between male and female will be the last individuals whose civil rights will be protected by law among those who are discriminated against on the matters of sexual identification and sexual orientation.
Transgenders exist and some of us are associated with organized groups, and some of just struggle on by ourselves within our families and our communities.
I was gonna make basically the same point! I have literally seen the same language coming out of the left in reference to Coulter. Misogyny is bipartisan, ya’ll.
When I did call people out on the issue the response was a uniformed, “OMG, we had no idea you were trans” Like that should matter. Do we say racially charged jokes only when that race of person is absent from the room? No!
We do have a long long way to go.
Thank you for publishing this. I too have needed to redirect my progressive friends, to my own shock and amazement that I was defending Coulter, but in many ways when people insult her the ways they are they are also insulting us.
BTW, I’m trans as well and I also find this insulting.
I love Rachel Maddow and I think they should look at their own people once in a while (a/e Ann Coulter) before making such comments. Just a bunch of old white men who think their opinions still matter in this world!
If you think someone being an asshole justifies being misogynist or transphobic toward them (or any other kind of bigotry for that matter), then all you’re saying is “I consider this group of people to be human beings… until they piss me off.” Which means you don’t actually care about equality.
Commenters on an Internet group made offensive, hateful remarks? How shocking. Next you’ll be telling me there are videos of cute kittens on YouTube.
I find the word progressive disgusting. As a transgender woman
I have been treated much better at Tea party rallies
then occupy Movement the occupy Movement had to have rape tents for women.in Oakland California. Cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.to clean up after these people.
Tea party people leave the place spotless.
There are many conservatives who are transgender
believe in big people little government