Pueblo Chieftain: Florence School Board Upheld Superintendant Vendetti’s Report

November 23, 2013 ·

The Pueblo Chieftain pretty much reported in their November 21, 2013 article Transgender pupil keeps restroom rights that the administrative and criminal cases brought forward by the Pacific Justice Institute are completed. As for the administrative case put forward to the school board:

The Fremont Re-2 School Board upheld findings that will continue to allow a transgender student to use the girls restroom at Florence High School.

The board voted unanimously to uphold a report issued by Superintendent Rhonda Vendetti following less than one hour in executive session Thursday evening.

As for the criminal case:

Florence police investigated the alleged harassment, however the detective assigned to the case was unable to substantiate any criminal charges when the girls declined to be interviewed.

We need to remember what PJI attorney Matt McReynolds told Alec Torres of the National Review:

[T]he core issue is that this school is giving this transgender youth full access to both boys’ and girls’ facilities, and they are showing little if any regard for the privacy rights of other students. . . We have received additional reports of specific, inappropriate statements made by this student, and we are working to corroborate those reports.

And, remember as well what he told World Net Daily:

If there were nothing to this, I don’t think the school district would be currently conducting a law enforcement investigation, which is what they’re doing.

Of course, what the school district found is no harassment. And as to the police investigation, McReynolds clients didn’t cooperate.

So, what’s next for Matt McReynolds and PJI over this case? Well, if McReynolds and PJI follow through with what they hinted in the November 1, 2013 Pueblo Chieftain article Transgender issue rocks Florence High, then we’ll see civil action filed.

McReynolds said he believes the harassment is a civil matter.

“We are not aware of anything — any facts — to support criminal charges. We are seeking a resolution with the school,” McReynolds said.

Hat tip: Elizabeth

In categories:Autumn Sandeen Politics
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