May 3, 2007 ·


Congrats to all who worked on the House version! Now on to the Senate.

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You’re Just A Tranny… And You Always Will Be

So we've got a trans-inclusive ENDA, time to celebrate! Or so I thought, till I actually looked at the language. Section 8(a)(3) CERTAIN SHARED FACILITIES- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to establish an unlawful employment practice based on…
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Libertarian Feminism and trans people

The TransAdvocate recently featured a piece by Radical Women. The group touched on many radical positions on gender and the transgender experience. In this piece, the TransAdvocate interviews Sharon Presley, Executive Director of the Association of Libertarian Feminists (ALF). ALF…
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Insane in the Swiss-Cheese-Brain, et. al.

Well, well... Looks like I touched a Marriage-Derangement-Syndrome-addled nerve : WHAT THE ***** IS WRONG WITH YOU - YOU THINK GAY MEN AND LESBIANS SHOULD NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO MARRY - ************** Apparently MDS is biologically linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob…
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Improper Purpose

Massachusetts recently signed into law an anti-discrimination bill which adds gender identity to its protected classes in the areas of employment and housing only. Gender identity is defined as follows:    “Gender identity” shall mean a person's gender-related identity, appearance or…
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Putin in drag: what transmisogyny looks like?

I'm sure many of you have seen the various protest images of Vladimir Putin's image colored as if he's wearing false eyelashes and makeup. The images are used to protest against anti-queer oppression in Russia. Do you think the image…
  1. Vote for Dignity, Vote for HR 1592! Stop putting the USA to shame and bigotry again.

  2. Vote for Dignity, Vote for HR 1592! Stop putting the USA to shame and bigotry again.