December 20, 2005 ·


From the DNC website:

“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans.”

Maybe during the next Presidential election cycle the party elite can find it in their heart to include transgenders in the party platform. Hopefully 2008 won’t see the DNC LGBT Caucus Chairman, Jeff Soref, play his old reindeer games. (For those that have forgotten, Jeff Soref is the person that blocked trans-inclusion into the platform during the 2004 presidential election. He’s also the person that pressed for transgenders to not be included in New York’s SONDA (Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination Act)).

In category:Politics
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  1. Jeff Soref is no longer chair of the DNC’s GLBT caucus. The new chair is Rick Stafford, a board member of NJ Stonewall and much better on our issues!!

  2. Jeff Soref is no longer chair of the DNC’s GLBT caucus. The new chair is Rick Stafford, a board member of NJ Stonewall and much better on our issues!!