Posts by Kat

Posts by Kat

In Memory of Terri Williams Moore (1941–1976)

May 20, 2016 ·

A trans historian considers the backward progress of the way media represents our dead. By Kat If you are thinking of transitioning but have yet to start the process you have probably spent some time looking for ‘trans stuff.’ Yes, that would include information about how to about the transition process medically and legally; I’m just old enough to remember when the Erickson Educational Foundation pamphlets (remember those?) weren’t too far out of… Read more.

Memo to Lawyers Involved in Trans Cases…

December 18, 2013 ·

By Kat Rose In a bizarre courtroom speech, a Queen defense attorney said the life of a murdered transgender prostitute wasn’t worth much — and argued that her convicted killer shouldn’t be punished as if he had killed someone “in the higher end of the community.” “A sentence of 25 years to life is an incredibly long period of time judge,” John Scarpa said Thursday as he asked a judge to go easy on his client, Rasheen Everett, for killing… Read more.

Asking Yet Again Why the SPLC Will Not ‘Go There’ Regarding Exterminationist TERFs

August 29, 2013 ·

SPLC will when it comes to a “gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist” who works at the Department of Homeland Security. An employee at the Department of Homeland Security runs a racist website in his spare time and advocates the mass killing of white Americans, gays, and black leaders he believes are traitors, according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Ayo Kimathi, a small business specialist at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a branch of the DHS, is a “gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist” who runs… Read more.

You’re Only as Transitioned and Stealth as the Next Person Says You Aren’t

July 26, 2013 ·

Editor's Note: This is part of a series on "stealth." The goal of this series to examine the nuanced ways trans opinion leaders conceptualize stealth and how they feel about it. Suzan Cooke kicked off the series with her article, The Many Shades of Stealth. It should be noted that TA is not endorsing any one view, definition or conceptualization. As with the elephant parable, each perception presented in this series represents one representation of the truth; taken together,… Read more.

Memo to Proven Liar Victoria Brownworth

July 19, 2013 ·

A former Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader won her defamation lawsuit against a gossip website and its operator, with a jury awarding her $338,000 in damages Thursday. Jurors in federal court in Covington found that posts about Sarah Jones on the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based website in 2009 were substantially false. The jury of eight women and two men also found website operator Nik Richie acted with malice or reckless disregard in posting the submissions he said were anonymous. One post alleged Jones had sex with every Bengals… Read more.

The Towlenut Gallery

May 5, 2013 ·

Even when The Towle has a reasonable post on a trans issue – here, the Cemia Acoff murder – one can count on the Chorus du Transphobique to show what the entitled really believe that they have the right to do, namely to exclude, humiliate and discriminate against in precisely the same way that they expect Gay, Inc. to prevent themselves from being excluded, humiliated and discriminated against. David Hearne declares: A person is dead, and somebody has his panties… Read more.

You Don’t Have to be For Bradley Manning to be Against Lisa Williams

May 4, 2013 ·

As I said earlier: I think its fine to have concerns about Manning being an honorary marshal for SF Pride. But, Williams’ response was so obnoxious that it seems as if she’s auditioning for a position with HRC (say, one that will be in charge of disseminating propaganda to the media about why its okay for gay rights organizations to not hire trans women; and, though I’m trying to avoid the issue because I really think that Williams’ arrogance is… Read more.

Naming the Real Monsters

March 25, 2013 ·

At the New Statesman, Juliet Jacques with one of the best, distilled and concise pieces I’ve seen setting out point-by-point who the media monsters are and the evil that they perpetrate; here is but one: 2. Transphobia cuts across left/liberal and conservative media Transphobia in left/liberal media tends to come, still, from this radical feminist perspective, tending to attack trans people as a category. Conservative pundits seem to focus more on isolating trans people in apparently “public” roles, undermining their identities by… Read more.

Stonewall Plus 1

February 10, 2013 ·

August, 1970 Readers knock, praise the big parade Editor: As a subscriber and reader of your paper, I would like to comment on the Christopher Street West Parade held last Sunday (June 23) here in L.A. I consider myself pretty well up on what is happening regarding current affairs relevant to our segment of society, and I felt this type of demonstration was a great idea. I guess I thought too soon. That parade did more harm than good. By… Read more.

Stonewall Plus 22

February 9, 2013 ·

What better way to spend Pride week than looking at drag queens on the site where it all began? The Stonewall Inn (formerly New Jimmy's) presents Extraordinary Women, a fab photo exhibit of "the most glamorous" transvestites and transsexuals of New York and Amsterdam by artist Remsen Wolff. Stonewall Inn owner Jimmy Pisano remarked, "Transvestites, transsexuals, gays and lesbians stood shoulder-to-shoulder here, so it's appropriate to salute their fearlessness here." 53 Christopher St. Through June 30 - Outweek, July 3,… Read more.

A Year in the Life of the Human Right Scampaign

January 28, 2013 ·

Then-HRC head Elizabeth Birch, August 1998 (in an interview with OutSmart magazine (Houston)): Then-HRC head Elizabeth Birch, September 1, 1999 (in Outlines(Chicago)): Outlines: The concept of trans issues … are they in partnership just like with Black issues might be, or are they integral to the agency? ENDA is just one example of how that manifests itself. Birch: I think that the Human Rights Campaign has done as much if not more on transgender issues than most other national [ gay and lesbian… Read more.

Sounds Like a Threat to Me

January 17, 2013 ·

The problem is that the very imagery of what she’s referring to is so weird that I honestly can’t tell precisely what its a threat of. Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore has launched an outspoken attack on PinkNews after it published a story about the killing of a trans woman in Brazil. Linking to Wednesday’s story, Moore tweeted from her account @suzanne_moore Read this piece of shit and Pink News will hear from my lawyers in the morning I am back to sort this out and to… Read more.

Do Not Blame Trans People For The Fact That, At Midnight, Maryland Will Have No Statewide Trans Protections

April 11, 2011 ·

The reason that the Maryland legal status quo of today is trans-free is not the fault of anyone who opposed HB235.  The Maryland legal status quo of today was created by the people who engineered a gay-only rights bill for themselves a decade ago. That's reality. The people who opposed HB235 for non-christofascist reasons were simply trying to keep things from getting worse. That's reality, because... This is indeed a sign of the times - those times being 2001. So what about… Read more.

Washington Post Gets in the Act of Being Scrivener for ‘Equality’ Maryland’s Trans-Othering Narrative of Deception

April 8, 2011 ·

According to an unsigned WaPo editorial, Maryland: passed a law banning discrimination against gay people a decade ago, but transgender individuals were dropped from the legislation. Since then, attempts to repair that have failed at least four times in Annapolis, even as other states extended legal protections. Now it’s time for Maryland to do the right thing for a beleaguered minority that’s been abused and ignored for too long. Which means that Maryland's senators should either amend HB235 to where it actually… Read more.

Sadly Not an April Fool’s Joke

April 1, 2011 ·

Over at PHB, Monica Roberts commented: When multiple civil rights attorneys tell me it won't do what EQ MD claims it will, the bill needs to die. Naturally, Laurelurleen Ramseyerogovitch chimed in afterward.  But, more interesting than any of the sock's puppeting (something about her trying to tell Monica that Monica was "missing the point"; memo to Monica: I'd consider that to be an endorsement) was this: In case your monitor's graphics aren't up to par, I'll repeat the, um...,… Read more.

Translation: Gay Marriage Greed Killed Trans Rights (Even a Diseased Version Thereof)

March 29, 2011 ·

From the Baltimore Sun: After the House of Delegates this weekend voted overwhelmingly to prohibit employer and housing discrimination for the transgendered, the bill crossed over to the Senate Monday where it landed in an unusual committee: Senate rules. ... Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller said that his chamber is engaged with the budget now and is unlikely to take up the bill. "When we are through with the budget we’ll have time to deal with other issues that… Read more.

Demanding That We Forget is Transphobia

March 28, 2011 ·

A comment by laughriotgirl on one of the threads at PHB wherein refusing to bend over and take gay transphobia is branded as homophobia: What bothers me Is that we are expected to just forget things happened That was in response to yet another attempt to exercise control over what trans people are allowed to remember in polite company: What has John Aravosis said recently that is offensive? If you can show me, I will bring it up with him.… Read more.

Exactly Ten Years Ago

March 26, 2011 ·

History that some who claim to be our allies expect us to forget: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 27, 2001 HRC CONGRATULATES MARYLAND SENATE FOR VOTING TO END LEGAL DISCRIMINATION BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION Maryland is on the Verge of becoming Twelfth State to Ban Discrimination, Says HRC WASHINGTON - The Human Rights Campaign today congratulated the Maryland state Senate for voting to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, public accommodations and employment. The House is also expected… Read more.

The Continuing Con Artistry of Morgan Meneses-Pinochet and Free State (Still, Always and Forever) Just Us

March 25, 2011 ·

First, a word from Kelli Busey (one which, (1) I've made one slight grammatical correction to, and (2) even without correction in all likelihood, will be disappeared from Pam's House Blend because it is likely to bruise the sock ego of a certain decloaked puppet): This fight is killing the LGB and transgender community. On equality maryland's facebook page their own members, the ones who haven't been deleted or banned yet, are calling Sheets out for the crushing oppression of the transgender… Read more.

If its an Effort to Undermine Trans Progress, You Can Bet There’s a Gay Marylander Behind it

March 25, 2011 ·

And so, apparently HB 235, the Maryland trans bill that no trans people who actually need the practical protections of civil rights law actually want, has been ramrodded through the House Health Government and Operations Committee with amendments. And yet... The people in Maryland who will be permanently othered by the bill - not to mention the people in other states who will be othered by the doubtlessly-already-planned carbon copies of this monstrosity - cannot actually access the live language… Read more.

Further Trans-Marginalization on the Move in Delaware

March 24, 2011 ·

From the Rhode Island Avenue Cesspool: Yesterday, at a press conference on the steps of Legislative Hall in Dover, primary sponsors Senator David Sokola and Representative Melanie George introduced a comprehensive civil unions bill to great fanfare. Speaking impassionedly, they explained that now is the time for state law to catch up with the reality of people’s daily lives. The bill, SB 30, would provide all of the rights, benefits, and obligations of marriage to same-sex couples, but would not… Read more.


March 24, 2011 ·

Considering that, yesterday, a subcommittee vote was taken - at which amendments to the already-anti-trans HB 235 were adopted - and allegedly a vote of the full committee is on tap for today and then a floor ramrod vote tomorrow, how is it... ...that this is all the information that the Maryland Legislature's website has to offer the people who will be othered by this latest act of transphobic gay greed in Maryland? Read more.

Sorry Equality Maryland: HB-235 Does Not Protect the Homeless

March 20, 2011 ·

[Note from Kat: In 2001, Maryland gays and lesbians blatantly and openly lied to the Legislature and to the public, claiming that trans people were already protected under Maryland law and, as such, inclusion in the gay rights bill was unnecessary.  Now, it appears as though their claims that the anti-trans HB 235 will be of benefit to homeless trans people is even more of a lie.  At least some who pushed the 2001 lie might actually have just been… Read more.

The Real Name of the Real Game: Ten Years Ago

March 13, 2011 ·

Just to make it clear: I recognize no statute of limitations when it comes to gay participation in the creation of third-class status for trans people.  I don't use the word "culmination" if it involves something where there is anything that I feel that there is left to do. In 2001, Maryland gays got everything that they were wanting to get out of the Maryland Legislature in 2001.  The only 'compromise' they made involved the lives of people other than… Read more.

Many Travesties Verified Just Today

March 9, 2011 ·

We are approaching the 35th anniversary of a momentous court decision.  In honor of that anniversary, I thought I'd post for your reading pleasure and intellectual nourishment: M.T., PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT, v. J.T., DEFENDANT-APPELLANT Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division 355 A.2d 204 October 14, 1975, Submitted March 22, 1976, Decided Mr. Charles L. Bertini, attorney for appellant. Mr. Joseph S. Conte, attorney for respondent. Opinion by: Handler This appeal presents the portentous problem of how to tell the sex of… Read more.

Why is it…

March 4, 2011 ·

Why is it that when a politician changes his mind to the detriment of trans rights its 'political reality' that must be respected, but when a politician changes his mind to the detriment of same-sex marriage, its not simply political reality but, instead, the politician becomes the embodiment of betrayal - Benedict Arnold multiplied by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg with a Quisling chaser? And why is it that when gays and lesbians demand their contributions to a politician be returned because he isn't going to… Read more.

Shit-Shovelling Shills and Their Same Old Shams, Scams and Swill: New Faces, No Changes

February 28, 2011 ·

Take a look at this guy: Based on the teeth-gritting, is he: Unable to shake off a badger that's gnawing his foot off? Unable to shake off a badger that's gnawing his testicles off? Unable to take a piss? Unable to take a shit? Unable to believe the shit he's shoveling? Hopefully for his physical well-being it is (5), but that, then, would only beg the question of why he's shovelling it to begin with.  Oh wait...I bet you can guess why: Some… Read more.

And This is Supposed to Dispel the Notion that Marriage is a Rich Gays’ Issue…How?

February 28, 2011 ·

And so we now have... A $363,000 Tax Bill to Widow Led to Obama Shift in Defense of Marriage Act ... Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer had a 40-year engagement and a two-year marriage, starting with a wedding in Canada recognized under the laws of New York, where they lived, and ending when Spyer died two years ago. Her death triggered a $363,053 federal tax bill from which her widow would have been exempt had she been married to a… Read more.

Too Exposed to Expose?

February 27, 2011 ·

So... Why did I re-run that 12 1/2-year-old piece about Judge Frye and her dogs over at ENDABlog?  Because of this: Ramseyer wasn't using internet anonymity in order to be mean. Its connection to my 1998 Frye piece will become a bit more apparent below, but that line appeared in a Feb. 22-dated piece of santorum, in The Stranger (ironic given the origin of the noun "santorum"?  not really, but more on that below), and it came from a scrivener of Laurel Ramseyer, a… Read more.

HRC North North

February 23, 2011 ·

Gay, Inc.-Delaware needs some trans Egyptians: Equality Delaware by Chris Beagle in Letters from CAMP Rehoboth (2/4/2011)The Next Critical StepJuly 2, 2009 was a historic day for LGBT Delawareans. After 11 challenging and hard-fought years, Governor Jack Markell signed SB 121 into law, adding “sexual orientation” to the state’s list of prohibited acts of discrimination. Well, technically this isn't a lie.  That day was simply historic for trans people for a different reason than it was for LGBs.  If you're reading ENDABlog, you… Read more.

If They’re Not Pulling a Con, Why Do They Refuse to Address Substantive Questions?

February 22, 2011 ·

Kelli at Planetransgender regarding the scam of 2011: My comments on Equality Maryland facebook continue to be deleted even as I attempt to answer EQMD's membership questions why there has been no publicity regarding HB235 other than side notes to marriage equality. And in the comments at "Come to Think of it, I’ve Never Seen Morgan Meneses-Sheets and Cathy Brennan in the Same Room at the Same Time," Maryland transphobia's most obnoxious apologist crawls out from under her rock of state-consecrated… Read more.

Why an Iowa-Employed, Transsexual Woman Resident of Illinois Has More Authority to Speak on Maryland Transsexual Law Than Morgan Meneses-Sheets or Any Non-Trans Gay or Lesbian

February 20, 2011 ·

Its time to look at one of Kat's many photo albums. Ansel Adams quality?  Prolly not.  But, nevertheless, they are a couple of shots I took in and near a DC Metro stop in Maryland whilst a bit bored one evening in November 2009. Now... Some shots - including self-portraits - I took whilst bored at a different kind of train station in a different part of Maryland about 9 1/2 years before the first three. But wait, there are more...… Read more.

If Its a Gay, Inc. Explanation About Anything Related to Trans Law, Its Bullshit

February 19, 2011 ·

Tom Lang (definitely not pictured above) lays out the context in what anti-trans bill-monger Cathy Brennan viewed (views?) as the northern counties of Maryland: Here We Are In February of 2011 And The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Which Was the First in the Nation to Legalize Same Gender Marriage, Which Defeated Attempts to Take Away These Marriage Rights Through a Ballot Initiative Process and Which Has an Attorney General Who is Suing the United States to End DOMA on Behalf of… Read more.

But Will Morgan Meneses-Sheets Explain Which Protections She’s Decided Aren’t As Much Needed As Others?

February 19, 2011 ·

From Free State Just Us: I encourage everyone to attend - and to ask LOTS of questions about what Maryland's gays and lesbians did to trans people in 2001 and how they did it - because if the current batch of Maryland's Marriage Derangement Syndrome sufferers aren't willing to tell you the whole truth about Marylnd's transphobic past, then its a pretty good bet that they're being even more dishonest with you about what they are claiming is a trans-inclusive present. Now, look at… Read more.

How the Disease of St. Barney’s Dance Has Dumbed-Down Anti-Discrimination Discourse

February 18, 2011 ·

From Facebook: Now, Tom is just pointing to a stealth-obnoxious piece in the Boston Herald about Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick's recent trans executive order. The fact that its author, Hillary Chabot, saw fit to allow this spin gem says plenty: “If this indeed is a bathroom bill, if it is there’s no doubt that it will impact the public schools,” said Kris Mineau, a longtime opponent of the bill. Except, of course, that it is a state-level executive order. State-level… Read more.

You Tell Me What The (Only) Real Agenda Is, Pts. 1 and 2

February 18, 2011 ·

Seen on the front page of Queer Channel Media a wee bit after midnight on Friday, Feb. 18: Got to have the gender-bending gay choreographer, eh? But substantive, contextual discussion of what the usual gay suspects are trying to get away with in Maryland....? Where is that in Gay, Inc., 'news'papers? Where is… Read more.

Come to Think of it, I’ve Never Seen Morgan Meneses-Sheets and Cathy Brennan in the Same Room at the Same Time

February 17, 2011 ·

Good news: The person that Free State Just Us was trying to turn into a Trans Jemima for the nefarious purpose of creating a public perception of having an understanding of the reality of trans people's lives, has realized that she was being used. Sandy Rawls the director of Trans-United announced on her facebook profile that her group has withdrawn its support of Equality Maryland's transgender 'equality' bill minus public accommodations. Brava! Now, of course, comes what everyone with years… Read more.

Do People Who Work at Sex Toy Shops Count as “Young Professionals”?

February 16, 2011 ·

I'm just askin'... I'm still askin'... And I won't stop askin'.... That's how they marginalize us. They don't go into the local department store, the shoe store, or the coffee shop and show regular folk doing regular jobs. EQMD drags their plantation mentality selves in front of the lemmings and say "Lookie, our little trannies provide excellent customer service." EQMD mentions Sugar as a "novelty shop" and the owner calls it a "retail store," but their website clearly identifies it as… Read more.

Has Marriage Derangement Syndrome Genetically Altered Gays and Lesbians to the Point Where All They Can Do is Lie and Deceive?

February 14, 2011 ·

If the actions of gays and lesbians surrounding screwing trans people out of their civil rights and then re-writing/ignoring the history of their role in creating third-class status for trans people were the only criterion for making such a determination, sadly then, the answer would be in the affirmative - and irrebuttable. Take, for instance, gay marriage. I could just leave it there and it would still be virtually irrebuttable. But, even though Marriage Derangement Syndrome is at the heart of… Read more.

Why is Free State Just Us, er…, ‘Equality’ Maryland Afraid to Have its Propaganda Critiqued in the Light of Day?

February 11, 2011 ·

CENSORED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! And, of course, the sockpuppet's sockpuppet is right in the middle of it. That was the second comment to the following post at PHB: Valentine's Day in Maryland is about more than dinner and roses this year The post pimps Maryland's public accommodations-free trans bill - and the post is by none other than "Lurleen."  The tool for that pimping is Sandy Rawls' story.  As the sockpuppet framed it: It's another sober reminder of how immediate the need… Read more.

Insane in the Swiss-Cheese-Brain, et. al.

February 10, 2011 ·

Well, well... Looks like I touched a Marriage-Derangement-Syndrome-addled nerve : WHAT THE ***** IS WRONG WITH YOU - YOU THINK GAY MEN AND LESBIANS SHOULD NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO MARRY - ************** Apparently MDS is biologically linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, as it clearly turns brains to mush. Anyone who claims to have found evidence of me actually (read: not with qualifiers - such as 'until trans equality is passed' - and not as satire) saying that gays and lesbians should not have… Read more.

In All Seriousness Becky, Why Did You Think For One Second It Would Be Any Different?

February 9, 2011 ·

Rebecca Juro went to the circle jerk for the obscenely rich, out of touch gay oppressor class of New York (billed in some circles as NYC's HRC gala): While waiting for the introductions to begin, I spent some time checking out the crowd. The first thing I immediately noticed was that unless there was someone who I hadn't seen or was so passable as to be completely undetectable, I was the sole transperson there. This was at least partially confirmed… Read more.

Gays Who Want Marriage: $10 Million to Smother the Employment Needs of All Trans People (and Most LGB People)

February 9, 2011 ·

From The Land of The John: Via press release from Freedom to Marry, background on their new "Why Marriage Matters" Campaign: Freedom to Marry will be running ads nationwide featuring gay, lesbian and straight couples talking about why marriage matters to them. The organization has pledged to raise and spend $10 million over the next three years on the Why Marriage Matters campaign That was actually preceded by this declaration: Well, this is a welcome development. Well of course it… Read more.

All’s Sans Daylight on the Exterminationist Frontier

February 6, 2011 ·

One Sunday morning reading selection: The term Transgender is an umbrella term coined by transgender activists to describe the following individuals: heterosexual cross-dressers; homosexual transvestites or drag queens; and transsexuals (individuals undergoing so-called sex change operations) and she-males. Some of these individuals live their lives as she-males with both female and male sexual characteristics. These are deeply troubled individuals who need professional help, not societal approval or affirmation. And another Sunday morning reading selection: If we listen to transgender people… Read more.

Can New York Gays Put Trans Needs Ahead of Gay Wants?

February 5, 2011 ·

I'm not holding my breath. Andrew Cuomo, New York’s new Democratic governor, has repeatedly emphasized that he “want to be the governor who signs the law that makes marriage equality a reality,” saying in his January 5 inaugural speech, “We believe in justice for all, then let’s pass marriage equality this year once and for all.” To be sure, State Senate Republicans voted 30-0 against out gay Manhattan Democrat Tom Duane’s equal civil marriage bill in December 2009, but Long… Read more.

Evan Wolfson: LGB or T and Single? Drop Dead!

February 1, 2011 ·

Mr. Gay-Marriage-And-Nothing-Else-But-Gay-Marriage doubtlessly try to spin away from that characterization of a HuffPo piece, but if you're single and/or trans and/or LGB or T and currently living somewhere that doesn't provide access to the legal system for LGBTs to combat employment discrimination, that's what he's telling you. Time for Government to Show All Families Deserve Protection Individuals? You're on your own. "DOMA" harms married same-sex couples by withholding from them the more than one thousand federal responsibilities and protections of marriage… Read more.

How Bad Was the SNL Thing?

January 31, 2011 ·

Even The John thought it was wrong: A colleague defended the SNL skit by comparing it to lampooning Sarah Palin - isn't it okay to make fun of people, he asked. Well, that's the same as defending making fun of someone for being a "f-g" by saying "we make fun of other people too, so why not make fun of gays? Why are they off limits?" Well, it depends. Are the people you're making fun of an oppressed minority that… Read more.

Michael Bailey and Alice Dreger Are Up For GLAAD Awards For Television Screenwriting For Their Work On The Jan. 29, 2011, Edition of Saturday Night Live

January 30, 2011 ·

Well, I can't say for certain that Bailey and Dreger wrote this bit (after all, it could have been Cathy Brennan and Shannon Avery for all I know - or maybe a menage a transphobique combining their 'talents' with those of Israel Luna.) watch?v=F-lQm9RpQ2s However, I can say for certain that the Bailey-Dreger Axis pre-legitimized it. I feel oh so certain that an amount of blog activity at least equal to that complaining about the $2,500 that the government is trying to… Read more.

But It IS Okay For Trans People NOT To Have The Same Rights As Gays When It Comes To Freedom From Employment Discrimination? [UPDATED]

January 30, 2011 ·

In Hawaii... of course it is! Gay rights supporters said being homosexual is not a choice, and gay citizens deserve the same legal rights as everyone else when it comes to marriage. But trans people... and freedom from employment discrimination..............? Crickets, I hear crickets! And I smell the underside of yet another bus: The state Senate on Friday approved Senate Bill 232, relating to Civil Unions, at its regular daily session.  The bill says unmarried, unrelated couples may have a… Read more.

So…The Marriage Derangement Syndrome-Oids Don’t Have To Take Responsibility For Anything?

January 27, 2011 ·

From Joe at The John's site: Opponents of same-sex marriage have created a three-pronged effort that insures the issue will be a key topic in the Presidential election. There are efforts underway by Republicans legislators in Iowa, the first caucus state, and New Hampshire, the first primary state, to end their existing marriage laws. In Iowa, the GOP-controlled House has begun the process of passing a bill to put a ban on the ballot. In New Hampshire, both the House… Read more.

I Have A Better Idea

January 26, 2011 ·

From a Maryland all-gay-marriage-all-the-time page: Well, I have a better idea. Send this text to Maryland senators: Dear Senator, As your constituent, I'm calling on you to oppose The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act (SB116). Please understand that I am not homophobic and I actually do believe that same-sex couples should eventually enjoy the right to marry. However, in 2001 when the Maryland Legislature enacted a gay rights law that did not protect transgender people gay activists in Maryland promised… Read more.

The Continuing Saga of Joe Fudgepacker’s Continuing Marriage-Primacy Bullshit

January 25, 2011 ·

Joe Fudgepacker criticized some criticism of his recent more-undeserved-than-words-can-describe gay-marriage-industry-pandering NY Times op-ed by referring to the criticism as "clueless and out of touch." Well... Lets see who's really clueless and/or out of touch and/or a shill for the A-Gay set that Joe Fudgepacker claims to not be part of. arriage is the most important right we're currently denied—are we about who we love or where we work? Are we individuals?  Or are we nothing but halves of potential couples?  (Before… Read more.

The Official Gay Strategy: Poke the Obama Administration So Much on Gay Marriage That it Will Never Want to Touch a Trans-Inclusive ENDA

January 24, 2011 ·

Gay Marriage Mouthpiece, Inc., er..., Queer Channel Media reports: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs nearly shut down a news conference on Monday following inquiries about President Obama’s position on same-sex marriage. ... “I think there’s a whole host of issues that I would direct you to the campaign on — on different questionnaires and I would again reiterate what the president has said recently on that issue,” Gibbs said. Asked whether he denies the accuracy of the 1996 questionnaire… Read more.

Passive? Or Active?

January 23, 2011 ·

The foot? Or the ball? Whilst pimping the Joe Fudgepacker Dan Davage pimping of the manufactured gay marriage agenda, The John declareth: The community is quickly propelling towards marriage.... Hmmm... "is propelling" is an active-voice verb word combo. "is being propelled" is a passive-voice verb word combo. One is accurate - and it is not the one employed her by The John. Whether the Democrats like it or not, the gay community has its eyes set on marriage... Whether people such… Read more.

More Gay Marriage-Primacy Prattle

January 23, 2011 ·

Now its Joe Fudgepacker Dan Savage: I’m not an idiot Yeh, well, I hope you weren't hoping for 100% agreement from the masses on that one Dan.  But I digress already. Now that the Republicans hold the House, only wishful thinkers and the deeply delusional expect to see any movement on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender legislative agenda this year or next. Nevertheless, President Obama should address gay rights in his State of the Union speech this week, and… Read more.

‘Old Line’ Indeed

January 22, 2011 ·

From 'LGBTQ Nation': Maryland lawmakers are making good on their promise to introduce marriage equality bills in the state legislature this year, and advocates are optimistic that Maryland will soon become the sixth state to legalize same-sex unions.In a symbolic move that underscores the momentum building in the “Old Line” State, majority leaders in both chambers will act as lead sponsors of the bills, with the first such bill introduced in the state Senate on Friday. Ohh... I know an… Read more.

Maryland’s Marriage Derangement Syndrome-Fueled Transgendercide Agenda Mushes On…

January 21, 2011 ·

From Joe. My. God.: Yesterday lawmakers in Maryland introduced a marriage equality bill. ... Most expect the bill to pass relatively easily. Anti-gay activists are already working on setting up a repeal referendum for the 2012 ballot. A referendum which, of course, will succeed - as all ten thousand or so of them thus far have (sorry, but Arizona in 2006 was negated by Arizona in 2008), which begs the question... Why isn't gay Maryland energy instead being… Read more.