Tag: PHB

Tag: PHB

Trading Away Public Accommodations in Maryland

April 9, 2011 ·

There's bickering over at Pam's House Blend about a statement made by Jenna Fischetti in her public testimony to the Senate in Maryland. She said "Never in the history of transgender-specific legislation has any state gone back and added a public accommodation only provision when there is already an existing law," in the argument over the truthfulness of Fischetti's statement, a very important point gets lost.  Sandeen states: "Well, I am sorry I got the facts wrong. And I do, without reservation,… Read more.

Gay Media: Maryland Trans Community, Love The Crumbs We Give You

March 4, 2011 ·

As much as trans people seem to want to believe it, gay (GayINC) media is not their friend/advocate/ally. Tom Lang, of Know Thy Neighbor said: It seems that the hard work of transgender and transsexual activists inside and outside of Maryland are getting some movement regarding the discriminatory Maryland Bill HB235. But how are our friends over at the "lgbtq community news source", the Washington Blade, covering the story? They posted ‘Political reality’ forces changes to Md. trans bill.  They… Read more.

The GayInc Muzzle on Maryland

February 22, 2011 ·

Transgender blogs (here, here, here, here, here, here, here and that's not counting the numerous blogs by Katrina Rose here and on ENDAblog)  have been buzzing over the lack of public accommodation protections in Maryland's HB235. The head of TransMaryland,  Jenna Fischetti, wrote this post saying: "House Bill 235's introduction and language came as a shock to the majority of the transgender community because its lack of protection in respect to not only previous bills, or currently enacted laws in both Montgomery County… Read more.

GayINC 101: a Tutorial

January 30, 2011 ·

Wondering if you're part of GayINC? Some recent comments by GayInc bloggers have asked/mocked/been incensed by people asking that question: Most entertaining PHB rumor out there: that we are all tools of Gay Inc. We're still waiting for our raises from $0 to $0...plus generous D&G gift cards...." - Pam Spaulding "If you only knew how laughable it is to call me "Gay Inc." - Jeremy Hooper GayINC stands for Gay incorporated. "Gay rights" organizations like the Human Rights Campaign, National… Read more.

The Reality That Dares Not Speak Its Name in Gay Blog Land

January 18, 2011 ·

Facts matter. Here is a timeline that apparently cannot be spoken of in Gay Blog Land. “jpmassar” posted the item New Hampshire to LGBTs: Happy New Year! Now Die. In the view of myself, Kathleen and some others, the post mischaracterized the legal position of trans people in New Hampshire. I took issue with it on that PHB thread - more vocally than any of the others.  Kathleen occasionally chimed in as well. “Lurleen,” and others, took issue with my interpretation of… Read more.

Blog Of Shame: Sockpuppets and The Politics of Personal Destruction

January 8, 2011 ·

Autumn Sandeen's latest "expose" over at Pam's House Blend is about activist and blogger Ashley Love. She states her reason for this post is that: "However, I can't help but feel that Ashley Love's pattern of writing derogatory and defamatory commentary needs to be exposed to the light of day. It seems to me that her views are outlier viewpoints, and she's too much of a public figure -- both in and out of trans community -- to ignore what… Read more.

A Strange Brew – Pam’s House Blend Now Serving: Privilege

June 30, 2009 ·

There's been a controversy brewing over at Pam's House Blend, and the flavor of the day is privileged. It all started with the post "Jumping Into The Deep End Of The Language Pool", then "Aravosis Needs To Issue His Own Apology To Trans People Before Citing TGs Regarding Fed LGBT Issues", and continued with "Enough Already". You can read it all yourself but the bottom line is this, if you dare cite white gay male privilege, you're not welcome to… Read more.