A southern, right-wing, anti-abortion, Dominionist bigot recently wrote this post denouncing Joanne Nemecek for supporting her spouse in transition. I'm not sure she'll actually let it out of moderation (sooooo typical of right wingnut blogs), so I wanted to post my response here. "I would be amused (how you support a war that has killed thousands, yet you're pro-life?...pfftt... too funny), if this wasn't all so pathetic. First of all, I love your use of idols (a representation or symbol… Read more.
Be a Trans Advocate
Tag: Neocons are funny
Tag: Neocons are funny
It’s Poetry In Motion
January 26, 2007 · Marti Abernathey
Throws science out the window? Um... "These findings led Swaab to believe that in humans also, BSTc size is programmed during fetal and neonatal development--perhaps as a result of an interaction between sex hormones and the developing brain--and is probably not the result of parental or social pressures after birth. His research, he says, shows that transsexuals are right. Their sex was judged in the wrong way at the moment of birth because people look only to the sex organs… Read more.
I’ve Always Wanted To Be A “Real Woman”
December 11, 2006 · Marti Abernathey
Now, I can be a "real woman," no surgery needed! I just need to move to Canada! Real Women don't support fags! Read more.