Tag: labels

Tag: labels

Ask Matt: What Am I? Labels and Identities

July 16, 2013 ·

Today we have two letters about identity that I thought went together quite well. So here goes: A reader writes: “I consider myself transgender – I was born female, but feel very much that the concept of ‘womanhood’ does not apply to me in the slightest. I’ve always pursued more male interests and likings – everything from activities to clothes – even when I was too young to realize what I was doing. ‘Man’ best describes what I am when… Read more.

Don’t Call Me A Lesbian

July 19, 2007 ·

A question recent posted on Lesbian Life at About.com asked "Question: I am at the very early stages of being a transsexual, and I want to be a woman. I also love women. Could I consider myself a lesbian?" I've struggled to define my own sexuality, so this question has been ever present in my mind. Kathy Belge, of Curve's "Lipstick and Dipstick" fame, responded by saying: "Yes, transsexuals can be homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. Gender identity and sexual orientation… Read more.