Tag: Diego Sanchez

Tag: Diego Sanchez

Privileged and Pretty Equals Success

September 2, 2009 ·

This morning I received an email talking about a website called "The Pink Butterfly Network". It claims to be a knockoff of Lynn Conway's Transsexual Women's Successes, pointing to transsexual women who should inspire us. I like Lynn Conway, and her Transsexual Women's Successes page has become more than just pretty faces. But this knockoff site and others like it bother me. A success to who? What qualifies as a success? Someone that is feminine? Someone that is pretty? To… Read more.

Frank Leaps Transgender Lobbyists in Single Bound

September 1, 2009 ·

Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled/miffed/baffled by Barney Frank's insinuation in this exchange: There is another difference from 2007. Frank now has a policy adviser who is a female-to-male transsexual. Diego Sanchez is the first transgender person hired for a senior congressional staff position on Capitol Hill. Sanchez has done extensive face-to-face lobbying for ENDA, and Frank says that's enabled some members of Congress to get to know a transsexual for the first time. "He interacts… Read more.