Gays Who Want Marriage: $10 Million to Smother the Employment Needs of All Trans People (and Most LGB People)

February 9, 2011 ·

From The Land of The John:

Via press release from Freedom to Marry, background on their new “Why Marriage Matters” Campaign:

Freedom to Marry will be running ads nationwide featuring gay, lesbian and straight couples talking about why marriage matters to them. The organization has pledged to raise and spend $10 million over the next three years on the Why Marriage Matters campaign

That was actually preceded by this declaration:

Well, this is a welcome development.

Well of course it is…

IF you’re a gay man or lesbian who already lives somewhere that has employment discrimination legislation and/or is rich enough to not give a shit about the concept – you know, like all of them in Maryland and Delaware.

All gay marriage, all the time…

 All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time….


From The Land of The John:

Via press release from Freedom to Marry, background on their new “Why Marriage Matters” Campaign:

Freedom to Marry will be running ads nationwide featuring gay, lesbian and straight couples talking about why marriage matters to them. The organization has pledged to raise and spend $10 million over the next three years on the Why Marriage Matters campaign

That was actually preceded by this declaration:

Well, this is a welcome development.

Well of course it is…

IF you’re a gay man or lesbian who already lives somewhere that has employment discrimination legislation and/or is rich enough to not give a shit about the concept – you know, like all of them in Maryland and Delaware.

All gay marriage, all the time…

 All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time…

All gay marriage, all the time….

In categories:Katrina Rose Politics
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