McLaurin Apologizes for “Circus Freak” Comment

I received this from Mark  McLaurin this morning: “As an advocate and activist with a fifteen year history of working for equality in the LGBT community, I know that words not only matter, but they are powerful. …

HB235, NCTE, ENDA, and the big Reveal

When Mara Keisling of NCTE publically came out in support of Maryland’s gender identity anti-discrimination bill, I wondered what her angle on it was. Bilerico recently posted “3 Ways to Improve ENDA Advocacy: Take the…

Trading Away Public Accommodations in Maryland

There’s bickering over at Pam’s House Blend about a statement made by Jenna Fischetti in her public testimony to the Senate in Maryland. She said “Never in the history of transgender-specific legislation has any state gone back…


It would seem so.  Though they’ve been silent publicly, one only need look as far as NCTE Executive Director’s Facebook wall: Now if the Executive Director of Maryland Equality (Morgan Meneses-Sheets) is thanking Keisling, I’d…