The legal argument against your transitioned status

The following is the argument against YOUR transitioned status being recognized, currently sitting in the Texas 13th District Court of Appeals, and soon to be making its way to the US Supreme Court. This Texas…

Ask Matt: Would a Genderless World Affect Transition?

A reader writes: “I’ve been thinking about gender roles and how most of them are created and imposed by society. I believe our behaviour could be ‘genderless’ if we didn’t have these external influences telling…

If trans women aren’t welcome, neither am I

A cisgender sex-positive dyke organizer addresses the cotton ceiling .   By Andrea Zanin The question of whether or not to include trans women in women’s sexuality-based events is old and tiresome, but it still comes up with…

Myriad Double Standards

So last week, my new book, Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, was reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly – you can read the review here. It is generally positive and I am pretty happy with it!…

Sometimes it doesn’t get better

Sometimes it doesn’t get better, sometimes life shit on you until you break and there’s nothing you can do. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you it gets better because it might…